I start a TNonblockingServer from one thread:

void *start_server(void *) {
    return NULL;

pthread_create(&daemon_thread, NULL, start_server, NULL);

, and call server->stop() from the main thread, then try to use pthread_join to wait the background thread exiting gracefully. However the main thread hangs at the pthread_join call.

How could I shut down the thrift server gracefully?

  • It is kind of expected that the main thread "hangs" while waiting for the other thread to terminate. Is it doing that properly, as a response the stop command?
    – Bo Persson
    Apr 16, 2011 at 7:41
  • What I expected is that when I call server->stop() from main thread, the server->serve() in background thread would finished, so that this thread can exit. Therefore it would be safe to use pthread_join in main thread to wait this background thread "start_server()" to exit..however "pthread_join()" hangs forever
    – eddyxu
    Apr 16, 2011 at 9:34

2 Answers 2


Sorry for the late response

You would just need to stop the underlying libevent

For example, a slightly delayed stop:

tv.tv_usec = 500000;
tv.tv_sec  = 0;
event_base_loopexit(myTNonBlockSvr->getEventBase(), &tv);

AFAICT TNonblockingServer::stop() is not implemented. The TNonblockingServer destructor does attempt a clean shutdown though, so you might be able to delete server and have the server shutdown.

This is a complete hack though, and ideally stop() would be properly implemented.

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