There's a table storing the time that users listened to music which looks like the follow:

|  user | music | listen_time         |
|   A   |   m   | 2019-07-01 16:00:00 |
|   A   |   n   | 2019-07-01 16:05:00 |
|   A   |   x   | 2019-07-01 16:10:00 |
|   A   |   y   | 2019-07-01 17:10:00 |
|   A   |   z   | 2019-07-02 18:10:00 |
|   A   |   m   | 2019-07-02 18:15:00 |
|   B   |   t   | 2019-07-02 18:15:00 |
|   B   |   s   | 2019-07-02 18:20:00 |

The calculation result should be the list of music every user has listened with interval less than 30min, which should looks like (music_list should be ArrayType column):

|  user | music_list |
|   A   |   m, n, x  |
|   A   |      y     |
|   A   |    z, m    |
|   B   |    t, s    |

How could I possibly implement it in scala spark dataframe?

  • What is your dataframe schema?
    – Lamanus
    Aug 2, 2019 at 14:45
  • @JackieLam what would happened if if a used listened to music at 4:00, 4:05, 4:30, 4:35 ? Should 35 be included in the first group ? In the second one ? Aug 2, 2019 at 14:56
  • @BlueSheepToken of course, as the it's only 5 min after the 4:30 one
    – JackieLam
    Aug 3, 2019 at 1:40
  • Okay, this Can be done with lags and cumulative sums. I will write an answer on monday Aug 3, 2019 at 9:36
  • @JackieLam, did that help you? If yes do not hesitate to accept the anwer Aug 6, 2019 at 7:36

3 Answers 3


This is a hint.

df.groupBy($"user", window($"listen_time", "30 minutes")).agg(collect_list($"music"))

The result is

|user|window                                    |collect_list(music)|
|A   |[2019-07-01 16:00:00, 2019-07-01 16:30:00]|[m, n, x]          |
|B   |[2019-07-02 18:00:00, 2019-07-02 18:30:00]|[t, s]             |
|A   |[2019-07-02 18:00:00, 2019-07-02 18:30:00]|[z, m]             |
|A   |[2019-07-01 17:00:00, 2019-07-01 17:30:00]|[y]                |

which is similar result but not exactly same. Use concat_ws after collect_list then you can obtain m, n, x.

  • this does not work if for instance we have a user A at 17:40. It creates several sessions. But I upvoted the answer thanks for sharing te window tick I did not know Aug 5, 2019 at 9:06
  • that's true because it does not belong to any 30 minutes interval. The window function split the time into 00~30, 30~00 not 10~40.
    – Lamanus
    Aug 6, 2019 at 5:15

This will work for you

val data = Seq(("A", "m", "2019-07-01 16:00:00"),
("A", "n", "2019-07-01 16:05:00"),
("A", "x", "2019-07-01 16:10:00"),
("A", "y", "2019-07-01 17:10:00"),
("A", "z", "2019-07-02 18:10:00"),
("A", "m", "2019-07-02 18:15:00"),
("B", "t", "2019-07-02 18:15:00"),
("B", "s", "2019-07-02 18:20:00"))

val getinterval = udf((time: Long) => {
(time / 1800) * 1800

val df = data.toDF("user", "music", "listen")
.withColumn("unixtime", unix_timestamp(col("listen")))
.withColumn("interval", getinterval(col("unixtime")))

 val res = df.groupBy(col("user"), col("interval"))

The idea of this kind of exercise, which is a really good exercise to master Spark, is to use lags to create session Ids using cumulative sums.

So the steps are :

  • Create a column "newSession" with a literal 1 when this is a new session (If I understood well, more than 30 minuts without lsitening music)
  • Create sessions Ids by simply sum the literals 1
  • GroupBy Session id newly created and users.

I strongly suggest you to try with the instructions before reading the next part of this answer.

Here is the solution :

import org.apache.spark.sql.{functions => F}
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window

// Create the data
// Here we use unix time, this is easier to check for the 30 minuts difference.
val df = Seq(("A", "m", "2019-07-01 16:00:00"),
("A", "n", "2019-07-01 16:05:00"),
("A", "x", "2019-07-01 16:10:00"),
("A", "y", "2019-07-01 17:10:00"),
("A", "z", "2019-07-02 18:10:00"),
("A", "m", "2019-07-02 18:15:00"),
("B", "t", "2019-07-02 18:15:00"),
("B", "s", "2019-07-02 18:20:00")).toDF("user", "music", "listen").withColumn("unix", F.unix_timestamp($"listen", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))

// The window on which we will lag over to define a new session
val userSessionWindow = Window.partitionBy("user").orderBy("unix")

// This will put a one in front of each new session. The condition changes according to how you define a "new session"
val newSession = ('unix > lag('unix, 1).over(userSessionWindow) + 30*60).cast("bigint")

val dfWithNewSession = df.withColumn("newSession", newSession).na.fill(1)
|user|music|             listen|      unix|newSession|
|   B|    t|2019-07-02 18:15:00|1562084100|         1|
|   B|    s|2019-07-02 18:20:00|1562084400|         0|
|   A|    m|2019-07-01 16:00:00|1561989600|         1|
|   A|    n|2019-07-01 16:05:00|1561989900|         0|
|   A|    x|2019-07-01 16:10:00|1561990200|         0|
|   A|    y|2019-07-01 17:10:00|1561993800|         1|
|   A|    z|2019-07-02 18:10:00|1562083800|         1|
|   A|    m|2019-07-02 18:15:00|1562084100|         0|

// To define a session id to each user, we just need to do a cumulative sum on users' new Session

val userWindow = Window.partitionBy("user").orderBy("unix")
val dfWithSessionId = dfWithNewSession.na.fill(1).withColumn("session", sum("newSession").over(userWindow))

|user|music|             listen|      unix|newSession|session|
|   B|    t|2019-07-02 18:15:00|1562084100|         1|      1|
|   B|    s|2019-07-02 18:20:00|1562084400|         0|      1|
|   A|    m|2019-07-01 16:00:00|1561989600|         1|      1|
|   A|    n|2019-07-01 16:05:00|1561989900|         0|      1|
|   A|    x|2019-07-01 16:10:00|1561990200|         0|      1|
|   A|    y|2019-07-01 17:10:00|1561993800|         1|      2|
|   A|    z|2019-07-02 18:10:00|1562083800|         1|      3|
|   A|    m|2019-07-02 18:15:00|1562084100|         0|      3|

val dfFinal = dfWithSessionId.groupBy("user", "session").agg(F.collect_list("music").as("music")).select("user", "music").show


|user|    music|
|   B|   [t, s]|
|   A|[m, n, x]|
|   A|      [y]|
|   A|   [z, m]|

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