I am trying to implement a mat-accordion, where the mat-expansion-panels body show the information of an array. The array has no fixed length, so I try to add content to the body with *ngFor. But the body stays empty.

I checked if the for-loop accesses the object correctly, which it does, and adding multiple paragraphs to the expansion-panel also works. I don't know if it is simply not supported to add content with ngFor inside a mat-expansion-panel.


  <mat-expansion-panel *ngFor="let day of days">
    <p>Works without *ngFor</p>
    <p>Multiple work aswell</p>
    <p *ngFor="let subDay of day.subDay" class="grid5">


days = [
      date: "Mon 01", 
      subDay: [
          name: "morning"
          name: "evening"
          name: "night"

Here is the issue recreated.


I expect the expansion-panel to also have "morning", "afternoon", "evening" and "night" when expanding the panel.

2 Answers 2


You code is correct, the problem is that your inner *ngFor should be the following instead of day.daily_division as the name of your array inside your day object is subDay not daily_division.

<p *ngFor="let subDay of day.subDay" class="grid5">



I think this is helpful for you,

*ngFor="let name of days.subDay"


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