I'm very new to Coq. Suppose under some hypothesis I want to prove l1 = l2, both of which are lists. I wonder what is a general strategy if I want to prove it inductively.

I don't know of any way to do induction on l1 and l2 at the same time. If I do induction first on l1, then I'll end up having to prove l1 = l2 under hypothesis t1 = l2, where t1 is tail of l1, which is obviously false.

1 Answer 1


Usually it depends on what kind of hypothesis you have. However, as a general principle, if you want to synchronise two lists when doing induction on one, you have to generalise over the other.

induction l in l' |- *.


revert l'.
induction l.

It might also be that you have some hypothesis on both l and l' on which you can do induction instead. For instance, the Forall2 predicate synchronises the two lists:

Inductive Forall2 (A B : Type) (R : A -> B -> Prop) : list A -> list B -> Prop :=
| Forall2_nil : Forall2 R [] []
| Forall2_cons : forall (x : A) (y : B) (l : list A) (l' : list B), R x y -> Forall2 R l l' -> Forall2 R (x :: l) (y :: l')

If you do induction on this, it will destruct both lists at the same time.

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