I am attempting to write a web scraper in Ruby/Mechanize. One thing I am trying to implement is a function which can find potential URL Parameters. Here's a snippet:

require 'mechanize'
def find_parameters(url)
    mechanize = Mechanize.new
    result = []
    # build list of potential parameters at URL
    result # return

Imagine sending passing in the URL http://example.com/. On example.com there is an index.php file which takes in a URL parameter call baz, and prints the value of that parameter to the page.

    if (isset($_GET['baz'])) {
        echo $_GET['baz'];

Thus http://example.com?baz=123 will go to a page that prints 123. We know looking through the source code that baz is a potential paramter, is there any way to get Mechanize to find all the potential parameters and return a list of them?

Ex: find_parameters('http://example.com/') => ['baz']

  • 1
    Note: Filenames in require are almost always lower-case. This may work on a case-insensitive filesystem, but will break on a case-sensitive one.
    – tadman
    Sep 19, 2019 at 19:43
  • 1
    ^ noted and fixed
    – erli
    Sep 19, 2019 at 19:49
  • Nope, impossible. If the page is not documenting its parameters in any way, you can't find out what they are. Sep 19, 2019 at 21:26

1 Answer 1


You can tweak the string:

require 'mechanize'
def find_parameters(url)
  mechanize = Mechanize.new
  result = []
  mechanize.get(url)  #go to the page
  # get the current page, split in the possible parameters list, split by parameters
  # (rescue in case there are no params)
  ( mechanize.page.uri.to_s.split("?")[1].split("&") rescue []).each do |key_val| 
    # split the pair of param and value, and store the param name
    result << key_val.split("=")[0]
  return result
  • Huh? Here the parameters are already in the url. No need to load the page, just parse the url string. Sep 20, 2019 at 11:20
  • it's possible that www.example.com, when loaded returns the www.example.com?baz=123, at least this is how I interpret it.
    – Mejs
    Sep 20, 2019 at 14:12
  • The provided php example will not do that. Question is how can one find those "hidden" parameters? Sep 20, 2019 at 15:03

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