I'm using Excel on a Windows server to convert Excel to PDF. I want to know whether I can start Excel via Golang or Node.js on a Windows server. I see some examples of running Excel Application by Ruby, Python, C#. For example:

require 'win32ole'

class TestDemo < Test::Unit::TestCase
   def testExcelMacro
    # Arrange
    excel = WIN32OLE.new("Excel.Application")
    excel.Visible = true

    # Act
    excel.run "Sheet1!WriteToA1"

    # Assert
    worksheet = excel.Workbooks.ActiveWorkbook
    assert_equal("blah", worksheet.Range("A1").Value)

from win32com import client
xlApp = client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
books = xlApp.Workbooks.Open('C:\\excel\\trial.xls')
ws = books.Worksheets[0]
ws.Visible = 1
ws.ExportAsFixedFormat(0, 'C:\\excel\\trial.pdf')

1 Answer 1


If talk about node.js you can use winax library or something similar for work with activex/com/dcom. But I believe you can use just build-in in windows javascript interpreter (not node.js) for it.

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