i have a multidimensional array with 3070 Values

$tbl= array(
    "KDNR" => 1,
    "GESCHL" => "test",
    "TITEL" => "test",
    "VORNAME" => "test",
    "FAMNAME" => "test",
    "PLZ" => "test",
    "ORT" => "test",
    "STRASSE" => "test",
    "EMAIL" => "test",
    "PRIVTEL" => "test"
  "KDNR" => 2,
    "GESCHL" => "test2",
    "TITEL" => "test2",
    "VORNAME" => "test2",
    "FAMNAME" => "test2",
    "PLZ" => "test2",
    "ORT" => "test2",
    "STRASSE" => "test2",
    "EMAIL" => "test2",
    "PRIVTEL" => "test2"

I want to write the array tbl with 3070 arrays to a xlsx file. I use for this PhpSpreadsheet.

This is my php code:

//call the autoload
//load phpspreadsheet class using namespaces
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
//call iofactory instead of xlsx writer
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Aligment;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Fill;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory;

//load from xlsx template
$reader = IOFactory::createReader('Xlsx');
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/src/ExcelVorlagen/polbezirk_template.xlsx');

//loop the data
$contentStartRow = 3;
$currentContenRow = 3;

//set coulm dimension to auto size

foreach($tbl as $item){
    //insert a row after current row (before current row + 1)
    $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->insertNewRowBefore($currentContenRow + 1,1);

    //fill the cell with Data
        ->setCellValue('A'.$currentContenRow, $item['KDNR'])
        ->setCellValue('B'.$currentContenRow, $item['GESCHL'])
        ->setCellValue('C'.$currentContenRow, $item['TITEL'])
        ->setCellValue('D'.$currentContenRow, $item['VORNAME'])
        ->setCellValue('E'.$currentContenRow, $item['FAMNAME'])
        ->setCellValue('F'.$currentContenRow, $item['PLZ'])
        ->setCellValue('G'.$currentContenRow, $item['ORT'])
        ->setCellValue('H'.$currentContenRow, $item['STRASSE'])
        ->setCellValue('I'.$currentContenRow, $item['EMAIL'])
        ->setCellValue('J'.$currentContenRow, $item['PRIVTEL']);
    //increment the current row number

//remove last empty rows

//set the header first, so the result will be treated as an xlsx file
header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');

//make it an attachment so we can define filename
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="result.xlsx"');

//create IOFactory object
$writer = IOFactory::createWriter($spreadsheet, 'Xlsx');
//save int php output

when i execute the code it takes 49 minutes to create the xlsx file, this it to long for only 3070 rows. Is there a faster way? Or have i a bottleneck in my code?

hope you guys can help me

best best regards

  • Does it help to store $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet() in a variable and reference this variable instead of calling the method over and over?
    – kalyfe
    Jan 23, 2020 at 14:40
  • And if you know how many rows you are going to add, use that as the second parameter of insertNewRow and call the method only once: phpoffice.github.io/PhpSpreadsheet/master/PhpOffice/…
    – kalyfe
    Jan 23, 2020 at 14:45

2 Answers 2


thank you very much kalyfe, i modified my code like this:

$row = count($tbl);

$spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->insertNewRowBefore($currentContenRow + 1, $row);

foreach($tbl as $item){
    //fill the cell with Data
        ->setCellValue('A'.$currentContenRow, $item['KDNR'])
        ->setCellValue('B'.$currentContenRow, $item['GESCHL'])
        ->setCellValue('C'.$currentContenRow, $item['TITEL'])
        ->setCellValue('D'.$currentContenRow, $item['VORNAME'])
        ->setCellValue('E'.$currentContenRow, $item['FAMNAME'])
        ->setCellValue('F'.$currentContenRow, $item['PLZ'])
        ->setCellValue('G'.$currentContenRow, $item['ORT'])
        ->setCellValue('H'.$currentContenRow, $item['STRASSE'])
        ->setCellValue('I'.$currentContenRow, $item['EMAIL'])
        ->setCellValue('J'.$currentContenRow, $item['PRIVTEL']);
    //increment the current row number

now it takes 15sec for creating the xlsx file


Recently I had to do a similar job, and thought it might be worth sharing, it might help someone.

The code takes your original array ($tbl), and reformats it (injects a column header record at the start of the array) so the data is formatted properly for PhpSpreadsheet to process and write to a .xlsx file.

The function used to process the data: $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->fromArray() (see below).


use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;

require dirname(__DIR__, 1) . "/vendor/autoload.php";

// the original array
$tbl = [
    "KDNR" => 1,
    "GESCHL" => "test",
    "TITEL" => "test",
    "VORNAME" => "test",
    "FAMNAME" => "test",
    "PLZ" => "test",
    "ORT" => "test",
    "STRASSE" => "test",
    "EMAIL" => "test",
    "PRIVTEL" => "test"
    "KDNR" => 2,
    "GESCHL" => "test2",
    "TITEL" => "test2",
    "VORNAME" => "test2",
    "FAMNAME" => "test2",
    "PLZ" => "test2",
    "ORT" => "test2",
    "STRASSE" => "test2",
    "EMAIL" => "test2",
    "PRIVTEL" => "test2"

 * inject header 'record'.
$headers = array_keys($tbl[0]); // get headers from source array
array_unshift($tbl, $headers); // insert headers as first record

 * write data to xlsx file
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
// build spreadsheet from array
    NULL, // array values with this value will not be set

// write array data to xlsx file
$writer = new Xlsx($spreadsheet);

The reshuffled $tbl array, ready to be processed by $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->fromArray(), looks as follows:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => KDNR
            [1] => GESCHL
            [2] => TITEL
            [3] => VORNAME
            [4] => FAMNAME
            [5] => PLZ
            [6] => ORT
            [7] => STRASSE
            [8] => EMAIL
            [9] => PRIVTEL

    [1] => Array
            [KDNR] => 1
            [GESCHL] => test
            [TITEL] => test
            [VORNAME] => test
            [FAMNAME] => test
            [PLZ] => test
            [ORT] => test
            [STRASSE] => test
            [EMAIL] => test
            [PRIVTEL] => test

    [2] => Array
            [KDNR] => 2
            [GESCHL] => test2
            [TITEL] => test2
            [VORNAME] => test2
            [FAMNAME] => test2
            [PLZ] => test2
            [ORT] => test2
            [STRASSE] => test2
            [EMAIL] => test2
            [PRIVTEL] => test2


The first record will be used to set column headers, the following records are the row data.

The resulting xlsx file: enter image description here

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