I am using map function to get "id" from multiple records of single JSON response.But I am having error like "e.map is not a function"

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1 Answer 1


map only works on variables which has been declared like following or having data like following

let e = [] //or
let e = [1,2,4,,5,6]

if you have you value in e as obj like

e = {} //or
e = {id: 1, name: 'example"}

You need to iterate it using 'for in'

for(var key in e){ console.log(e[key]) }

Make sure first what kind of data you have stored in e.

  • 1
    It Was an API response that I want to map....I simply parse it into JSOn by JSON.parse(<APi response >) and it worked.....
    – Palak
    Feb 16, 2020 at 8:23

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