I am creating my first Django project and I want to create a css stylesheet for my project. The css file that I want to use is /static/css/main.css. I load the static file in my base.html template using:

{% load static %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/main.css' %}">

The problem is that when I edit and save the main.css file, no change is visible on any of the webpages. When I checked the url, it shows the css file, but only the old version before I edited it. I tried restarting both the development server and my virtualenv and making sure that I have saved the changes, but neither resolved the issue. When I viewed the page source code and clicked on the link to the css stylesheet, it still showed the old version on the url

When I add styling inside the <style></style> tags, it works just fine.

How do I make it so that it shows the new version of the css file?

1 Answer 1


your problem may be caused by the browser using a cached version of your css file. try disabling cache in firefox inspectelements > storage > cacheStorage.

if it persists try loading the page in incognito mode

  • if it solved you problem. please make it your recommended answer Apr 26, 2020 at 11:06

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