I am new to financial mathematics and trying to do a homework about backtest with R:


start.date <- '2017-01-01'
end.date <- '2019-12-30'

HSI <- getSymbols(Symbols="^HSI",src="yahoo",from=start.date,to=end.date,index.class="POSIXct",adjust=T, auto.assign = F)
HSI <- HSI %>% na.omit()



But I receive the following Error: C stack usage 7971792 is too close to the limit

My R session:

  size    current  direction eval_depth 
  7969177      13136          1          2 

I saw there is similar post but no one answer: Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit in R

Is there anyone can advise about the Cstack error ?

  • 1
    Considering that the error comes from a much simpler code in the other linked question you found, my best guess would be that there's a bug somewhere in the FinancialInstrument code. My suggestion would be to file an Issue at their GitHub repo: github.com/braverock/FinancialInstrument/issues EDIT: Actually, looks like that was already done, and it may be that you are using the function incorrectly. Looks like the stock() function is going to expect a character vector of length one as the identifier; see github.com/braverock/FinancialInstrument/issues/2 for more details
    – duckmayr
    Apr 28, 2020 at 14:27
  • HSI should be "HSI". It is to define the stocks. Apr 28, 2020 at 14:47

1 Answer 1


Don't use auto.assign.

getSymbols(Symbols="2800.HK",src="yahoo", from=start.date,to=end.date,index.class="POSIXct",adjust=T)

`2800.HK` <- `2800.HK` %>% na.omit()



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