Apache question: I have a wordpress website. I want to protect with password the wp login screen. I don't wanty to allow local .htaccess. In the virtual host i'm using:

<LocationMatch "(/wp-admin/|/wp-login.php)"> AuthType Basic AuthName "Restricted Content" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd Require valid-user </LocationMatch>

which works, but i still able to access the login screen via the page id of wordpress: https://my.domain.com/?page_id=54 and could find the right syntax for the LocationMatch directive.

It works with <LocationMatch ".*"> of course but nothing else works, not with even <LocationMatch ".*54$">

Any help will be appreciated.


1 Answer 1


Just add another LocationMatch directive (Apache 2.4):

<LocationMatch ".*"> <If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /page_id=54/"> AuthType Basic AuthName "Restricted Content" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd Require valid-user </If> </LocationMatch>

[ https://serverfault.com/questions/848320/can-locationmatch-regex-match-query-string-portion ]

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