I'm trying to build an excel sheet and i want to retrieve the values in column J (Salida) who match the criteria in columns G and I (Comedor and Index). :

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To achieve that goal I'm using this formula in cell K17;

=vLOOKUP(concatenate(G17;I17); G7:J; 4; FALSE)

Let's see what I'm getting step by step:

=CONCATENATE(G17;I17)  // This gives me "A1" as String 

=Type(G17) returns 2 //String
=Type(I17) returns 2 //String

G7:J // the complete range where my criteria columns are in first positions

4 // The column index starting from the beginning of the range (Salida)

False // Exact match

And the error I'm receiving is "A1" not found in VLOOKUP evaluation but I have no idea about what's going on. Any help would be appreciated.

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1 Answer 1



=INDEX(VLOOKUP(G17&I17; {G7:G&I7:I \ J7:J}; 2; 0))

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