There's a dataframe with three columns:

    ID    col1    col2
0    item_1    abc    NaN
1    item_2    bcd    NaN
2    item_3    NaN    NaN
3    item_4    mnb    lkj

I would like to combine col1 and col2 like this:

    ID    col1
    item_1    abc
    item_2    bcd
    item_3    NaN
    item_4    mnb
    item_4    lkj

ID is not index but a column.

I tried with stack().reset_index() but this is not what I want.

Any ideas?


2 Answers 2


This is the way to do it with stack.. the way you were trying it before -

  1. Step 1 - df.stack() only the col1 and col 2 (and drop the Nans as well), then keep only the integer with reset_index() index that will be used to merge it in the next step
  2. Step 2 - pd.merge() the initial DataFrame with the stacked one on their index
  3. Step 3 - DONE!
a = pd.DataFrame(df[['col1','col2']].stack(dropna=True),columns=['col1']).reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
pd.merge(df[['ID']],a,how='left',left_index=True, right_index=True)
    ID  col1
0   item_1  abc
1   item_2  bcd
2   item_3  NaN
3   item_4  mnb
3   item_4  lkj

Do update the correct answer in case you find this easier to understand, for anyone finding similar solutions. Cheers!


Here's one way to do that (in multiple steps, for clarity):

df.loc[df.col1.isna() & df.col2.isna(), "keep_as_na"] = True
df = df.melt(id_vars="ID").dropna()
df.loc[df.variable == "keep_as_na", "value"] = np.NaN
df.drop("variable", axis = 1).sort_values("ID")

The output is:

        ID value
0   item_1   abc
1   item_2   bcd
10  item_3   NaN
3   item_4   mnb
7   item_4   lkj
  • this one is rather entangled but works well on my data.
    – plnnvkv
    Jul 9, 2020 at 12:21
  • This method works but is too complex and has lots of unnecessary steps. Check my solution. Jul 9, 2020 at 12:28

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