I have some classes that use inheritance as in
Teacher : Person : Entity : BaseObject
Student : Person : Entity :BaseObject
Company : Entity : BaseObject etc.

The base object has an abstract IEnumerable property called Hierarchy
Entity class implements Hierarchy as new List<Type>() { typeof(Entity) };
Person class implements Hierarchy as new List<Type> { typeof(Person), typeof(Entity)}; etc.

In my db.Save method I am trying to cast the object to each of these types in turn so I can call the correct stored procedure.

        public static void SaveObject(BaseObject obj)
        foreach (var type in obj.Hierarchy) //obj.Hierarchy is   IEnumerable<Type>
            Object o = obj as type;

but I get an error 'type is a variable but is used like a type'. Is there any way I can cast my child object to one of its parent types along these lines?

  • Does this answer your question? 'casting' with reflection Aug 2, 2020 at 12:32
  • Thanks. The first answer in that link didn't work because my classes don't implement IConvertible. The second answer from @Rafael looked promising but if I change object o = obj as type to dynamic o = cast(type, obj) and step through the code, even though type changes from Person to Entity as expected, o is still a Person not an Entity after that cast.
    – mdicoope
    Aug 2, 2020 at 13:03
  • The penny drops. I've asked the Cast method to convert from type Person to type Entity but o is still of type Person afterwards. On reflection (if you'll pardon the pun) type Person 'IS' an Entity so the cast has actually worked, just not in the way I want. Might have to step back and come at this from another angle.
    – mdicoope
    Aug 2, 2020 at 13:44


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