Why is the typescript compiler not accepting the following code ? (I tried to have the code self-explanatory).

I get the following errors Type 'Dog' is not assignable to type 'K' and Type 'Drone' is not assignable to type 'K'.

I know I could use a workaround by using a union type Dog | Drone as the output type of my factory but it means updating the signature for each new object created. I was wondering if there was a 'generic' way of declaring this.

interface executeFn<I> {
  (param: I): string

interface Robot<I> {
  execute: executeFn<I>

interface BaseOrder {
  name: string

interface DogOrder extends BaseOrder {
  action: string

interface DroneOrder extends BaseOrder {
  destination: string

class Dog implements Robot<DogOrder> {
  execute(order: DogOrder): string {
    return 'The action is ' + order.action

class Drone implements Robot<DroneOrder> {
  execute(order: DroneOrder): string {
    return 'The destination is ' + order.destination

function robotFactory<T extends BaseOrder, K extends Robot<BaseOrder>>(
  param: T
): K {
  if (((param as unknown) as DogOrder).action) {
    return new Dog()
  return new Drone()

Note that I also tried to change the generic method signature, but this does not solve the pb.

interface executeFn<I> {
  <T extends I>(param: T): string

2 Answers 2


The compiler correctly warns you about the fact that K may not always be Dog or Drone.

class DroneAdversary implements Robot<DroneOrder> {
  execute(order: DroneOrder): string {
    return 'The destination is ' + order.destination

const adversary = robotFactory<DroneOrder, DroneAdversary>({
  name: 'aaa',
  destination: 'dest'
}); // adversary type is DroneAdversary

I would go with an overload:

function isDogOrder(order: BaseOrder): order is DogOrder {
  return !!((order as DogOrder).action);

function robotFactoryOverload(order: DogOrder): Dog
function robotFactoryOverload(order: DroneOrder): Drone
function robotFactoryOverload(order: DogOrder | DroneOrder): Dog | Drone {
  if (isDogOrder(order)) {
    return new Dog()
  } else {
    return new Drone()

const x = robotFactoryOverload({
  name: 'aaa',
  destination: 'sasas'
  • Thx @Lesiak, using the union type Dog | Drone as the return type works, I already mentioned this potential solution but this means updating the signature everytime you add a new type of Robot. I was hoping for a solution where I do not have to do that. Aug 26, 2020 at 8:17
  • 1
    then add a type for the union type Robot = Dog | Drone. You have only one place to update.
    – Lesiak
    Aug 26, 2020 at 8:18
  • And thanks for the type predicate, I did not know we could do that in typescript stackoverflow.com/questions/40081332/… Aug 26, 2020 at 8:50

To expand on Lesiak's answer, if you define a Robot type union then it is possible to define all of the overloads automatically which can help if you might have a lot of them.

type AnyRobot = Dog | Drone
type RobotForOrder<O extends BaseOrder, R = AnyRobot> = R extends Robot<O> ? R : never

function robotFactory<T extends BaseOrder> (order: T): RobotForOrder<T> 
function robotFactory<T extends BaseOrder> (order: T): AnyRobot {
  if (isDogOrder(order)) {
    return new Dog()
  return new Drone()

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