If i update og:image or og:title of a website an rescrape the url with facebook linter, in Facebook the data/the preview is updated. Unfortunately i can't find a similar solution for WhatsApp. If i repost a link with updated metadata in a WhatsApp-Chat, the preview shows the old metadata. I am not sure, if this is a problem with local- or online-cache.

Does ne1 knows, how to refresh meta-data for WhatsApp, if renaming the URL is not an option?

1 Answer 1


I found a solution: If i delete all of that links in my whatsapp-chat/group-media and repost the link, the preview is refreshed and shows the new meta-data on repost.
So i guess WA caches the meta-data only local and not online like Facebook. no need for a debugger-tool for WA.
Can someone confirm?

  • I never inserted the link in Whatsapp, just preview it and while FB debugger shows the latest og data, WA fails to render it when I try to post/preview in a chat
    – Meryan
    Dec 15, 2023 at 17:19
  • I had to go to app's settings from the mobile phone settings. App -> force stop, then App -> storage -> clear cache Feb 4 at 12:23

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