I am trying to test in-app billing. I have uploaded the app on internal test track and added the testers accounts in licensed testers. From all the accounts I have added in licensed testers list, only one of them is able to test in-app billing successfully. For the rest of the users, they are prompted to enter their credit card info instead of being asked to approve or decline by test card. I don't think I have done anything wrong but still not able to test in-app billing on some devices. Any help is appreciated.

Note: All the testers have installed the app from the internal test track opt-in URL

  • I am experiencing the same issue. Did you find a solution? Thanks.
    – Vero
    Oct 21, 2022 at 16:56

1 Answer 1


Here is the list of requirements for the Google IAB testing.


-AndroidManifest must include "com.android.vending.BILLING" permission.

-APK is built in release mode.

-APK is signed with the release certificate(s).

-APK is uploaded to alpha/beta distribution channel (previously - as a draft) to the developer console at least once. (takes some time ~2h-24h). -IAB products are published and their status set to active.

-Test account(s) is added in developer console.

Testing requirements:

-Test APK has the same versionCode as the one uploaded to developer console.

-Test APK is signed with the same certificate(s) as the one uploaded to dev.console. -Test account (not developer) - is the main account on the device.

-Test account is opted-in as a tester and it's linked to a valid payment method.


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