I need to have certain URLs (actions) in my app where I receive Credit Card information be SSL/https. I'm using the new set of Grails security plugins, i.e. Spring Security Core, and Spring Security UI. These apparently replace the ACEGI security plugin, which I understand had some SSL configuration capabilities at the controller level.

Can you tell me what the current recommendation is for switching to https for certain controllers/actions? Do I need to resolve everything in Tomcat?


  • Yah thanks, I saw that. But I need to understand down to the controller / action level, making some https and some not. Also, I have seen references to using the ACEGI plugin for this, but apparently the new security plugins supersede it, yet don't give this type of SSL support.
    – Ray
    Aug 26, 2011 at 0:15
  • edit - see burt's answer -- its right there in the docs
    – hvgotcodes
    Aug 26, 2011 at 1:24

1 Answer 1


See section "17 Channel Security" in the Spring Security Core plugin docs: http://grails-plugins.github.com/grails-spring-security-core/docs/manual/

  • Thanks Burt, I searched under SSL and didn't find this section -- thanks for pointing it out. I tried a few maps and had a seemingly strange result: doing '/member/**': 'REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL', '/**': 'REQUIRES_INSECURE_CHANNEL' did not work, it created a URL, localhost:8080/connect/grails/member/list.dispatch, putting a "grails" in the path. However, doing a map: '/member/**': 'REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL', '/group/**': 'REQUIRES_INSECURE_CHANNEL' did work for member , and made the group controller, and all others I tested, insecure, which is what I want. Is the first incorrect?
    – Ray
    Aug 26, 2011 at 2:36
  • I wish comments supported formatting, hopefully it is readable.
    – Ray
    Aug 26, 2011 at 2:37
  • Any time you map /** to something you need to consider the implications for every possible url, e.g. it's easy to block access to the favicon with a wildcard rule. Do you really require that non-member URLs be accessed without SSL? It seems like you could just remove that wildcard and only specify that certain patterns require SSL. Aug 26, 2011 at 2:53
  • Click the 'help' link when typing your comments - it has examples of the simplified markup syntax allowed in comments. Aug 26, 2011 at 2:54
  • Burt - Thanks for your responses. If I only specify the /member controller as secure, either all of member or a specific action, once I go to it, all other controllers get accessed via https. It's almost like it switches modes -- something turns https on, and then something must be accessed to turn it back off. I guess I could cause that to happen -- take the user to a URL that is marked insecure after the secure stuff is done / submitted, e.g. a welcome or thank you page.
    – Ray
    Aug 26, 2011 at 3:09

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