How to change default entity order in SonataAdminBundle for list action?

answer :) add this to your admin class

protected $datagridValues = array(
    '_page' => 1,
    '_sort_order' => 'DESC', // sort direction 
    '_sort_by' => 'id' // field name 

2 Answers 2


It is better not to override constructor. But you can override the Admin::configure() method and set some element of the datagridValues array.

See in example:

public function configure()

    $this->datagridValues['_sort_by']    = 'name';
    $this->datagridValues['_sort_order'] = 'DESC';
  • 2
    To be safe, I would also add parent::configure(). Aug 13, 2013 at 1:55
  • 2
    This method is empty. it exists for just such situations. If I understand correctly. But you're right, will be safer to call the parent method. I adjusted the example. Aug 14, 2013 at 21:25

You can add another sort order or set a default one via the constructor like this:

public function __construct($code, $class, $baseControllerName)
    parent::__construct($code, $class, $baseControllerName);

    if (!$this->hasRequest()) {
        $this->datagridValues = array(
            '_page'       => 1,
            '_sort_order' => 'ASC',      // sort direction
            '_sort_by'    => 'artist_id' // field name
  • Warning: Missing argument 1 for Neon\CoreBundle\Controller\OrderAdminController::__construct()..
    – rtyshyk
    Nov 17, 2011 at 11:35
  • put please here list of namespaces you used Dec 14, 2011 at 12:14

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