In my java app I running sql query for example:

select rowid as col1, id as col2 from dummy_table

and then, when I use ResultSetMetaData.getColumnNames I expect to get column aliases (col1 and col2), but method returns physical column names.

So, my question is, how to get column aliases using ResultSetMetaData

I use Java 1.6, Jdbc, Sybase

Thanks a lot

3 Answers 3


Maybe your driver doesn't understand aliased column. Try to invoke ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel() to see what it get


I have noticed something similar in MySQL - there, a quick fix is to turn your main query into a sub query, like so:

select v.* from (
select rowid as col1, id as col2 from dummy_table
) as v

You can use temporary tables,

   select rowid as col1, id as col2 INTO #tmp from dummy_table

    select * from #tmp

I think this will work.

For second solution also check String getColumnLabel(int column) function of ResultSetMetaData

  • 2
    I think that it is not a good solution. You will add additional io and potentially bad performance. Look at Mark Bannister answer.
    – kolchanov
    Dec 9, 2011 at 13:59

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