I have seen that it is possible to use addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask: to watch for system wide events for mouse events, scroll events, key events, and even gesture events. I looked at NSEvents.h for the available event masks, but just could not find one for multi-touch events. Is it possible to do this for multi-touch events?


1 Answer 1


I looked at NSEvents.h for the available event masks, but just could not find one for multi-touch events.

Looks like developer.apple.com has some documentation on the NSEvent class and refer to some touch events/gestures.

"Support for touch and gesture events masks have been added to NSEvent in Mac OS X v10.6...." developer.apple.com

If you're developing for an older OS version than the one specified in the quote, let me know.

EDIT: As far as the function you referenced it looks like the documentation says that touch events are currently not supported.

"In Mac OS X v 10.6, event monitors are only able to monitor the following event types..." addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler

  • 2
    Doing a find using the link provided will take you to the list of supported events. However, in the case that the link no longer works: In Mac OS X v 10.6, event monitors are only able to monitor the following event types: NSLeftMouseDragged, NSRightMouseDragged, NSOtherMouseDragged, NSLeftMouseUp, NSRightMouseUp, NSOtherMouseUp, NSLeftMouseDown, NSRightMouseDown, NSOtherMouseDown, NSMouseMoved, NSFlagsChanged, NSScrollWheel, NSTabletPoint, NSTabletProximity, NSKeyDown (Key repeats are determined by sending the event an isARepeat message.)
    – sillv0r
    Dec 31, 2011 at 16:24
  • Thank you for the research. I had came to the same conclusion but it's nice to get confirmation from someone else.
    – airportyh
    Jan 1, 2012 at 3:09

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