I installed tagbar in vim.

It parses the whole js file perfectly. But, when i try to use ctags, it doesnt parse the file well.

Now, isnt tagbar using ctags?


2 Answers 2


Check your tags and pwd status:

:set tags?

The tags files shown by the set tags? command should be reachable from your pwd.

  • i tried :set tags? It gave me tags=./tags, ./TAGS, tags, TAGS. The ~/tags file contains the tags information, so i guess that map to the ./tags file outputted by the :set tags? command. the rest - ./TAGS, tags, TAGS - are none existent. Dec 21, 2011 at 21:28
  • ohh yea, and when i try to do :tag /draw, it tell me there are 26 tags for draw. i dont know if it means 26 references and definition or just 26 definitions. Dec 21, 2011 at 21:46
  • ctags deals with definitions only. You are supposed to use cscope for usage. Please, answer clearly to these questions: 0. What is your working directory (:pwd)? 1. Is it the same as the one containing myjs.js? 2. Do you have a tags file at the root of the working directory or at the root of the directory where myjs.js resides? 3. How and why did you set tags that way?
    – romainl
    Dec 21, 2011 at 22:18
  • Also, depending on how you write your JavaScript or how ctags is configured it may record tags in a dotted format like constructor.method in such a case :tag method won't work, only :tag constructor.method or :tag /method would do. It looks like you have a single tags file for all your stuff; if that's correct, it means that you have 26 definitions containing the word draw.
    – romainl
    Dec 21, 2011 at 22:34
  • 0)the working directory is ~. 1)it is the same as the one containing myjs.js. 2) i dont understand very well what do you mean "the root of a directory". But the tags file is in ~ - thats the pwd and the directory that contains myjs.js. 3) i did not set the tags. I discovered it hehe ;) Dec 21, 2011 at 23:10

TagBar generates its own tags on the fly and it doesn't even write it to disk somewhere: ctags' output is directly parsed and displayed in the window.

You may get this error because you didn't generate a tags file with :!ctags -R . or because it's out of date.


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