In Play 1.2.4, I've been trying to work out why my functional test doesn't appear to POST the file data correctly (it's null). The controller action I'm testing is:

doUploadProfileImage(@Required File file, User user)

And the functional test code calls it like this:

File file = VirtualFile.fromRelativePath("/test/imagetest.jpg").getRealFile();

Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
params.put("user.id", user.id.toString());

Map<String,File> files = new HashMap<String,File>();
files.put("file", file);

Response response = POST(Router.reverse("ImageController.doUploadProfileImage").url, params, files);

When I step through in debug, everything seems ok before the POST, but when I reach "doUploadProfileImage()", the "file" parameter is NULL.

Any tips on what's going on here? What's an easy way to inspect/log received/raw POST data by the play server?

thanks in advance, SM

  • I wonder if this has anything to do with how play uploads tmp files, perhaps they're being deleted before the controller code runs. Will investigate soon and report back.
    – starmonkey
    Jan 18, 2012 at 0:43

1 Answer 1


I found this problem also, after a few hours debug, just because this line is in my conf/application.conf for play-cobertura-module:


changed to:


It works!

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