I am developing an application for automating the BVT process of our product. This product runs on a multitude of platforms and has sorta "submodules" which are installed separately; So it made a sense to automate the installation part of BVT (plus automating the actually Build verification tests)

Now, I have written java code to do the installations (basically fire a set of commands thru java runtime class).

Now I am working on the actual tests. Here, I have come across the following problem:

Once my installation program finishes its role, there is a time gap (typically 15-20 mins) in which the installation actually happens. Now, since my boss wishes for end to end automation, I cannot break up the process of installation and testing. So my question is:

How do I make the second part of the program (testing part) wait till the installation part has finished. I mean is there any way I could poll and make the second part active as soon as I find (say) the process responsible for installation has exited.

What do you guys suggest ? (That polling is probably a stupid idea .. and I am a noob .. so dont take it too seriously). I am just looking for a solution to this problem in any way possible. Yes, the problem has to be solved thru java and must be available on win + linux platforms.


I think if you can help me with non java paradigms to solve the problem that will be fine as well, because once i understand what kind of construct can be used here, I can find try to find something similar in java.

  • Then do not "fire" installation. Multi-thread it and wait until the installers return. For example, in Ant, you can do this using <parallel> task with several nested <exec> or <sshexec> tasks, which will wait until the commands executed return.
    – Dante WWWW
    Feb 15, 2012 at 9:42
  • @coolcfan I understand. Thanks, But can you please you please suggest an alternative to using the Ant <parallel> ?
    – Chani
    Feb 15, 2012 at 9:47

1 Answer 1


return 0, I cant understand how you would apply polling .. but ,according to what i have understood ,i think ,you can do it using threads.. I mean,if you use threading, you can add wait() calls before the Test part starts executing..

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