Let's say my string is:

$str = "abcdefg foo() hijklmopqrst";

How do I let PHP call the function foo() and insert the returning string to the rest of that string?


8 Answers 8


If you're calling a method of some class, you can use normal variable expansion. For example:

class thingie {

  public function sayHello() {
    return "hello";


$t = new thingie();
echo "thingie says: {$t->sayHello()}";

This will output:

thingie says: hello

Note that the braces around the call are required.

  • 5
    But it seems calling a global function this way, won't work
    – Opux
    Commented Oct 31, 2016 at 16:57
  • By wrapping the global functions you want to support in an object of methods, you can control the footprint of exposure to bugs and security leaks. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find an easier way to /safely/ offer such power. Your wrapper methods can even perform additional validation/restriction if needed. Commented Jun 27, 2018 at 13:57

Just use this:

$str = "abcdefg".foo()."hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

It will call function during string creation.

  • This isn't string interpolation.
    – mbomb007
    Commented May 2 at 14:18
function foo()
    return 'Hi';
$my_foo = 'foo';
echo "{$my_foo()}";
  • 3
    This is a great "trick." You can even pass parameters or other variables to it, ie. echo "{$my_foo('bar')}" or echo "{$my_foo($bar)}" - especially useful when building SQL queries with many escaped values.
    – Nick D
    Commented May 24, 2017 at 21:17
$foo = foo();
$str = "abcdefg {$foo} hijklmopqrst";
$str="abcdefg foo() hijklmopqrst";
function foo() {return "bar";}

$replaced = preg_replace_callback("~([a-z]+)\(\)~", 
     function ($m){
          return $m[1]();
     }, $str);


$replaced == 'abcdefg bar hijklmopqrst';

This will allow any lower-case letters as function name. If you need any other symbols, add them to the pattern, i.e. [a-zA-Z_].

Be VERY careful which functions you allow to be called. You should at least check if $m[1] contains a whitelisted function to not allow remote code injection attacks.

$allowedFunctions = array("foo", "bar" /*, ...*/);

$replaced = preg_replace_callback("~([a-z]+)\(\)~", 
     function ($m) use ($allowedFunctions) {
          if (!in_array($m[1], $allowedFunctions))
              return $m[0]; // Don't replace and maybe add some errors.

          return $m[1]();
     }, $str);

Testrun on "abcdefg foo() bat() hijklmopqrst" outputs "abcdefg bar bat() hijklmopqrst".

Optimisation for whitelisting approach (building pattern dynamically from allowed function names, i.e. (foo|bar).

$allowedFunctions = array("foo", "bar");

$replaced = preg_replace_callback("~(".implode("|",$allowedFunctions).")\(\)~", 
     function ($m) {
          return $m[1]();
     }, $str);
  • What if the function has parameters?
    – Munna Khan
    Commented Mar 2, 2018 at 16:41

Short answer

No. There is no native construct to do exactly that.

A simple concatenation may be better. Maybe uglier but more efficient for the PHP parser.

Long answer

Well. Yes.

If you really need to get arbitrary expressions being evaluated from a double-quoted string, you can implement this workaround, speculating on a feature called variable-functions:

 * The hack
 * @param $v mixed Value
 * return mixed Value (untouched)
$GLOBALS['_'] = function ( $v ) {
    return $v;

// Happy hacking
echo "Today is {$_( date( 'Y-m-d' ) )} and the max function returns {$_( max( 1, 2, 3 ) )}...{$_( str_repeat( ' arrh', 3 ) )}!";


Today is 2018-02-07 and the max function returns 3... arrh arrh arrh!

The example is not limited to date(), max() and str_repeat(): you can surely define your own functions like foo() and just call them, as long as they return a valid string.

In short this example creates a simple variable. It has a very short name: just an underscore. So, the variable is really called $_. This variable, to be honest, it's a function and, to be honest, it just returns what you express in the first argument. This is syntax sugar for you, since functions are not easily expanded as-is inside a string. Instead, variables are expanded easily. That's it.

I wonder if PHP will ever introduce a native feature to do that (note: I've written this note in 2018).


Note that, even in this way, the functions are expanded when you define the string. I really cannot guess your needs, but if you need to expand the function later, and not during string definition, you probably need to adopt something more advanced, like a parser. There are many, especially suitable for text templates. But that is outside the scope of this answer I guess.

Feel free to comment / suggest other approaches to expand functions inside a string or just improve your question to share more context about your need.


  • long answer: definitely NO (but you can use some obfuscated hack). Please note, this solution won't work if the interpolated string is inside a function. You would have to use $GLOBALS['_'] or global $_; what is a huge pain.
    – goteguru
    Commented Sep 1, 2023 at 9:47

Its still not possible, There are hacks available but not what I would recommend rather suggest to stick with old school dot operator i.e. $str="abcdefg ". foo() ." hijklmopqrst";

As per the Complex (curly) syntax documentation

Functions, method calls, static class variables, and class constants inside {$} work since PHP 5. However, the value accessed will be interpreted as the name of a variable in the scope in which the string is defined. Using single curly braces ({}) will not work for accessing the return values of functions or methods or the values of class constants or static class variables.

function foo($b)
    return "Hi $b";
$bar = 'bario';

$my_foo = 'foo';
echo "<br>1 {$my_foo($bar)}"; 

$myfoo = foo; // my 'version'
echo "<br>2 {$myfoo($bar)}"; 

// the following is nogo; php error! $myfoo can not be called as function because it got the return value if foo() which is a string.
// means https://stackoverflow.com/users/517676/savinger answer above is wrong; this program doesn't print "<br>end":
$myfoo = foo();
echo "<br>3 {$myfoo($bar)}"; 

echo "<br>end";

The output is:

1 Hi bario
2 Hi bario
  • 1
    $myfoo = foo; is not "your" version but a PHP error. The only working solution is the first one and it's already provided. This answer has zero value. Commented Jan 11 at 15:36
  • great comment YCS, but note, 1st, i wrote // my 'version' not // 'my' version. which should make clear that it was meant ironically--though it even works. 2nd, that it works due to a php error is not in my responsability. 3rd, both ways are a bad hack and not a solution. 4th, the value i added and which was the reason for my post was to point out that a previous 'solution' (savinger) remained uncriticized --to the contrary, he got 10 upvotes!--, but to which i couldn't comment due to having not enough reputations, so i chose to answer instead. Commented Jan 12 at 9:29
  • "it even works" - where I live, it doesn't. "was the reason for my post was to point out that a previous 'solution' (savinger) remained uncriticized" - I fail to see any mention of it in your answer. And personally, I don't see any drawbacks in the savinger's solution which is clear and straightforward (and has nothing to do with any of your hacks which actually resemble that from v.babak's answer). Commented Jan 12 at 9:41
  • aha, i see, it depends on the php version. i still use php 5.5. mea culpa. it's the version that runs on my server. the output I gave for $myfoo = foo; echo "<br>2 {$myfoo($bar)}"; is authentic. I ran the example. whereas (repeat) savinger's 'solution' produces and error with php 5.5. I mentioned in my example // stackoverflow.com/users/517676/savinger Commented Jan 12 at 15:38
  • using $myfoo = foo; echo "<br>2 {$myfoo($bar)}"; on 3v4l.org; on my server i doesn't show the notice below: Output for 5.5.38 | released 2016-07-21 | took 23 ms, 16.83 MiB Notice: Use of undefined constant foo - assumed 'foo' in /in/gIIEX on line 9 <br>2 Hi bario Commented Jan 12 at 15:44

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