I am trying to invoke a JUnit Test suite using the API. I know that you can suite up test classes using the following:

  Test2.class, ...

But, is there a way to trigger the entire suite using the Java API, using JUnitCore for example?

For example, you can trigger a test by using the following code:

Runner r = 
try {
  r = new BlockJUnit4ClassRunner(Class.forName(testClass));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | InitializationError e) {
  // handle
JUnitCore c = new JUnitCore();


From the API, it seems that the Suite class itself is a runner, hence the following code seems to work:

Suite suite = new Suite(klass, new RunnerBuilder() {
... // Implement methods
JUnitCore c = new JUnitCore();

But I am not sure if this is a recommended approach or if there is any downside to writing the above code.

2 Answers 2


Just specify the name of the suite class to JUnitCore:

Computer computer = new Computer();

JUnitCore jUnitCore = new JUnitCore();
jUnitCore.run(computer, MySuite.class);
  • Thanks Matthew! I will definitely give this a try. In the meantime, do you have recommendations for the code snippet in my update?
    – Neel
    Commented Apr 16, 2012 at 14:13

You can also that using command prompt as

java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore test class name

  • 5
    I don't think that this qualifies as "programmatically".
    – oers
    Commented Apr 13, 2012 at 9:04
  • 1
    It will if you call it using runtime.exec Commented Apr 13, 2012 at 10:50

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