I would like to know why are there 2 different ways of clearing out a listview. One is by calling listview.clear and other is listview.items.clear. Actually, this extends to many other VCL components too. which method must be used and why?


2 Answers 2


ListView.Clear is just a wrapper around ListView.Items.Clear with ListItems.BeginUpdate/ListItems.EndUpdate. look at the source:

procedure TCustomListView.Clear;

From the docs:

The BeginUpdate method suspends screen repainting until the EndUpdate method is called. Use BeginUpdate to speed processing and avoid flicker while items are added to or deleted from a collection.

A better practice is to use BeginUpdate/EndUpdate for speed and avoiding flicker.
But the main reason to use ListView.Clear is because using a "high-level VCL methods" (As well commented by @Arnaud) is always a good idea, and the implementation might change (BTW, the method was introduced in D7).

EDIT: I have tested the TListView with 10k Items (D7/WinXP):

  • ListView.Items.Clear: ~5500 ms
  • ListView.Clear: ~330 ms

Conclusion: ListView.Clear is about 16 times faster than ListView.Items.Clear when BeginUpdate/EndUpdate is not used!

  • 2
    Actually, I don't think that BeginUpdate .. EndUpdate is of any help in the case of clear. Apr 16, 2012 at 7:20
  • 7
    @Smasher Since clear release each object, it will notify each deletion to the VCL, unless the BeginUpdate / EndUpdate is used. This is the difference between the two, and why Clear is much faster than Items.Clear. It is always a good idea to call directly the high-level VCL methods, instead of going into the internal plumbing, unless you know exactly what you are doing. Apr 16, 2012 at 9:34
  • 2
    @ArnaudBouchez, +1 for "high-level VCL methods". that was exactly the expression I was looking for.
    – kobik
    Apr 16, 2012 at 9:42

ListView.Clear is a convenience method that calls ListView.Items.Clear internally. There is no semantic difference no matter which of the two you call.

I prefer the first one because it is shorter and it doesn't show the internal representation which is of no interest for me at this point.

  • I expect no performance issue. The one just calls the other with the BeginUpdate .. EndUpdate not making a difference in this case (imho). Apr 16, 2012 at 7:21
  • 4
    BeginUpdate/EndUpdate makes a huge performance issue with TListView.
    – kobik
    Apr 16, 2012 at 9:20
  • 6
    -1 for saying it is a mere convenience method without any other difference. There is clearly a difference. Apr 16, 2012 at 12:10

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