Before I post this question, I found somehow similar question posted here. But the answer was based on a String. However, I have a different situation here. I am not trying to remove String but another object called AwardYearSource. This class has an int attribute called year. So I want to remove duplicates based on the year. i.e if there is year 2010 mentioned more than once, I want to remove that AwardYearSource object. How can I do that?
7 Answers
The simplest way to remove elements based on a field is as follows (preserving order):
Map<Integer, AwardYearSource> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (AwardYearSource ays : list) {
map.put(ays.getYear(), ays);
1Thank you. It solved my problem. However I changed the first line of your code to Map<Integer, AwardSource> map = new LinkedHashMap<Integer,AwardSource>(); .... otherwise it won't compile.– WowBowCommented Apr 16, 2012 at 15:44
Another way would be to override hashCode()
and equals(Object obj)
for your object. Since it just has one field you want to use to determine equality, this is pretty straightforward. Something like:
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof AwardYearSource)) {
return false;
return (this.year == ((AwardYearSource)obj).year);
public int hashCode() {
return this.year;
Then you can just stick all of the objects into a Set
to remove duplicates:
Set<AwardYearSource> set = new Set<AwardYearSource>();
set.add(new AwardYearSource(2011));
set.add(new AwardYearSource(2012));
set.add(new AwardYearSource(2011));
for (AwardYearSource aws : set) {
Fairly simply. Although something bugs me about the map versions (not that I doubt they'd work, it just seems like overkill, somehow - although this version isn't necessarily any better in that regard).
Answer is functional, and threadsafe (assuming AwardYearSource
is immutable).
public static List<AwardYearSource> removeDuplicateYears(
final Collection<AwardYearSource> awards) {
final ArrayList<AwardYearSource> input = new ArrayList<AwardYearSource>(awards);
// If there's only one element (or none), guaranteed unique.
if (input.size() <= 1) {
return input;
final HashSet<Integer> years = new HashSet<Integer>(input.size(), 1);
final Iterator<AwardYearSource> iter = input.iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
final AwardYearSource award =;
final Integer year = award.getYear();
if (years.contains(year)) {
} else {
return input;
You could use a map and store your objects with the year as a key:
Map<Integer, AwardYearSource> map = new HashMap<Integer, AwardYearSource>();
map.put(someAwardYearSource1.getYear(), someAwardYearSource1);
map.put(someAwardYearSource2.getYear(), someAwardYearSource2);
At the end the map will contain unique values by year, which you can call with the values method:
Collection<AwardYearSource> noDups = map.values();
Create a HashMap object with int as the key type and your class as the value type. Then iterate over the list and insert each element to the map using:
mymap.put(source.year, source);
Then remove all elements from the origianl list and iterate over the map and insert each element to the list.
Really? Could you maybe provide more details? Although at least one of the iterators is unnecessary - see some of the other answers. And this would have some nasty side-effects, if used in a threaded context. Commented Apr 16, 2012 at 15:59
Maybe you have posted this comment on the wrong answer? I don't see any iterators in my solutions and it's quite thread safe.– smichakCommented Apr 16, 2012 at 16:10
You explicitly mention iterate, and you're going to be using at least one implicit (compiler generated, in the case of the for-each construct) iterator. If this is being packaged up in it's own method (which it should be), then removing items from the original list is absolutely NOT threadsafe. Commented Apr 16, 2012 at 16:40
I don't think thread safety is quite an issue here at least according to the question that was asked. I think the map-based solutions offered by me and others are the most simple ones.– smichakCommented Apr 17, 2012 at 9:19
If your AwardYearSource class overrides equals and hashcode methods (Eclipse can generate both), then you can add them to a Set. The Set will not contain any duplicates.
public class AwardYearSource
private final int year;
public AwardYearSource(int year)
this.year = year;
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + year;
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
AwardYearSource other = (AwardYearSource) obj;
if (year != other.year)
return false;
return true;
public String toString()
return String.valueOf(year);
public static void main(String[] args)
Set<AwardYearSource> set = new HashSet<AwardYearSource>();
set.add(new AwardYearSource(2000));
set.add(new AwardYearSource(2000));
set.add(new AwardYearSource(2000));
set.add(new AwardYearSource(2000));
The output is [2000]. Only one item in the set.
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
list.removeIf(i -> set.contains(i.getYear()) ? true : !set.add(i.getYear()));
This should help wherein, duplication is decided based on certain property (or combination of properties), year in this case. Hope this helps.