As mentioned before, the first thing that seems to come to mind is the non standard way of passing the information. which will generate some difficulties when you parse the values. Although, for me, the main problem is not checking/sanitazing/cleaning the data on $_GET. May be it's too obvious and since almost all the answers have been given by people who seem to know what are they doing, I'll assume they just didn't mention it because of that
But remember that if you don't check it, you are vulnerable to attacks and malfunction of your script. The extent of the damage depends on your own application, so it's not easy to predict.
In any case, this is what I'll do, including the html
// initialize variables
$variable_1 = false; // assume this is the page you want to load
$variable_2 = false;
$default = 'index.php'; // the idea is to load something controlled by you. index, error, 404, etc.
// process $_GET, check, clean and assign values
if ( isset( $_GET ) !== false ) {
foreach ( $_GET as $keys => $values ) {
// check both, $keys and $values for; character set, length, validity against a white list, content
// using an if to match the $keys garantees that regardless of the order, you will get what you want
if ( $keys === 'field_1' ) {
// do what you have to do with this, for instance ...
$variable_1 = $values;
if ( $keys === 'field_2' ) {
// do what you have to do with this, for instance ...
$variable_2 = $values;
unset( $_GET[$keys] );
unset ( $keys, $values );
// check there are no surprises on $_GET. Load and study anything here
if ( empty( $_GET ) === false ) {
// it should be empty, so log what is in here and prepare your code for that
unset( $_GET );
} else {
unset( $_GET );
// process the variables according to what you want to do
// if there are just a few options, and they are not going to change often
// use a switch, otherwise, use a method to check if a file/content exists
// for the request and load it. If it doesn't exist, inform the user
// with out giving away internals and suggest a new destination
// process other variables, here or before this part, wherever makes sense
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>testing get</title>
<form method="get" action="test_get_00.php" accept-charset="utf-8">
<p><label for="field_1">write something<input type="text" id="field_1" name="field_1" /></label></p>
<p><label for="field_2">write something<input type="text" id="field_2" name="field_2" /></label></p>
<p><button type="submit">send</button></p>
Of course you can do a few more things, but if you prepare your form properly, including the character set, you have less worries, or at least a few more known elements. It's not failproof, but it helps.
Also, the mechanics I mention above work on a white list mindset, that is the idea of the foreach, to check that you get what you expect and discard the rest, after logging it.