I am creating a C++ library for both Linux (with PThreads) and Windows (with their built-in WinThreads) which can be attached to any program, and needs to have a function called when the thread is exiting, similar to how atexit works for processes.

I know of pthread_cleanup_push and pthread_cleanup_pop for pthreads, but these do not work for me since they are macros that add another lexical scope, whereas I want to declare this function the first time my library is called into, and then allow the program itself to run its own code however it needs to. I haven't found anything similar in Windows whatsoever.

Note that this doesn't mean I want an outside thread to be alerted when the thread stops, or even that I can change the way the thread will be exited, since that is controlled by the program itself, my library is just attached, along for the ride.

So the question is: What is the best way, in this instance, for me to have a function I've written called when the thread closes, in either Windows or Linux, when I have no control over how the thread is created or destroyed?

For example in main program:

void* threadFunc(void* arg)
    printf("Hello world!\n");
    return NULL;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int        numThreads = 1;
    pid_t*     pids       = NULL;
    pids     = (pid_t*)     calloc(sizeof(pid_t), numThreads);

    pthread_create(&ntid, NULL, threadFunc, &nVal);
    pthreads[0] = ntid;

    pthread_join(pthreads[0], NULL);
    return 0;

In library:

void callMeOnExit()
    printf("Exiting Thread!\n");

I would want for callMeOnExit to be called when the thread reaches return NULL; in this case, as well as when the main thread reaches the return 0;. Wrapping pthread_exit would work for other cases, and could be a solution, but I'd like a better one if possible.

If anyone has any ideas on how I might be able to do this, that would be great!

  • You're creating a C++ library? Well not to be rude, but if you're asking something of this nature instead of reading the relevant specification rigorously then maybe you should just use boost or qt. There are already libraries that do what you want. A one man library is about is realistic as a one man boat crew-that amount of work is impossible if you're going to deliver the features you're talking about. What it sounds like would be applicable is if you wrote a wrapper class this specific work-not a library. Apr 30, 2012 at 21:24
  • 1
    However, for an answer, or perhaps to get a feel of what you are wanting to do: a wrapper class could hide the complexity and manage the creation and starting of the threads and be platform agnostic. I'm sure there's some way that you could make the wrapper class call the function that you want before starting and again/a different function when it exits. Apr 30, 2012 at 21:27
  • 4
    The Windows DLL_THREAD_DETACH messages sent to a DLL's Dllmain() function may help, but I think there are a lot of possible pitfalls as well. Apr 30, 2012 at 21:27
  • 1
    @Adam Miller: That's not particularly helpful, unless you boil down your comment to the content of "I'd suggest you wrap boost or qt threads to achieve this functionality"
    – AJG85
    Apr 30, 2012 at 21:28
  • 1
    @Adam: I don't think the question is about a library that's wrapping a thread API - I believe the library in question is not involved in the creation of the threads (but that's not clear - it probably should be made clear if that's the case). Apr 30, 2012 at 21:30

4 Answers 4


So after a few code reviews, we were able to find a much more elegant way to do this in Linux, which matches both what Windows does with Fibers (as Neeraj points out) as well as what I expected to find when I started looking into this issue.

The key is that pthread_key_create takes in, as the second argument, a pointer to a destructor, which is called when any thread which has initialized this TLS data dies. I was already using TLS elsewhere per thread, but a simple store into TLS would get you this feature as well to ensure it was called.

  • Exactly what I was looking for! It makes much sense since cleaning up TLS data is typically the thing one wants to do in the first place when one thinks "thread cleanup routine".
    – user948581
    Feb 28, 2014 at 15:02

Change this:

pthread_create(&ntid, NULL, threadFunc, &nVal);


struct exitInformData
   void* (CB*)(void*);
   void* data;
   exitInformData(void* (cp*)(void*), void* dp): CB(cp) data(dp) {}
pthread_create(&ntid, NULL, exitInform, new exitInformData(&threadFunc, &nVal));

Then Add:

void* exitInform(void* data)
    exitInformData* ei = reinterpret_cast<exitInformData*>(data);

    void* r = (ei.CB)(ei.data);   // Calls the function you want.
    callMeOnExit();               // Calls the exit notification.
    delete ei;
    return r;
  • This is nearly what I use. I actually have a thread object and a thread runner. The runner has a virtual function run() which is where the user writes his code. The function that calls the run() function can prepare and cleanup the thread as required. May 10, 2016 at 0:39
  • @AlexisWilke: This advice is 4 years old. The new version of C++ has a thread object std::thread which handles all this for you. Check out en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/thread May 10, 2016 at 2:32
  • Yeah, changing your old code takes time... I wrote that something like 5 or 6 years ago... no C++11 (or 14 or 17...) May 10, 2016 at 6:01

For Windows, you could try Fls Callbacks. They FLS system can be used to allocate per thread (ignore the 'fiber' part, each thread contains one fiber) storage. You get this callback to free the storage, but can do other things in the callback as well.

  • FLS callbacks work well for this, but one thing should be noted. If the FLS slot is released before the last thread using it exits then you will get an immediate callback for each of the threads that have used the FLS index and that are still active and this callback occurs on the thread that released the FLS index. So, as long as your index outlives all threads that you are tracking you're fine and you will get a callback on the thread when it exits. May 8, 2021 at 9:37

I found out that this has already been asked, although the solution given then may not be the same as what you want...

Another idea might be to simply extend from the pthread_t class/struct, and override the pthread_exit call to call another function as you want it to, then call the superclass pthread_exit

  • That link seems to assume there is an external thread that needs to be notified when the program ends, not the program itself. That isn't really an option with this, so I'm not sure it helps at all (although it is telling that no one mentioned anything else like what I'm looking for). I assumed the pthread object class was final/const, is that not the case with it? If not, that might be the way to go, and then just call into the pthread_exit function once I finish my work. Apr 30, 2012 at 22:11
  • Yeah, sorry about the link, I didn't read it entirely, but I thought that it might be of some help because you might adapt it to your needs, but I guess not. And if pthread_t isn't an object, then I'll be surprised, I'm used to thinking of everything as an object. I was pretty sure that it was though, it's possible that pthread is not an object, in which case the solution I discussed before will be applicable. Apr 30, 2012 at 22:15
  • I think that the contents of pthread_t (which I've always assumed to be a struct, since it is usable from C as well as C++) is implementation-dependent and closed, but we could redefine pthread_exit with some nice #define magic, and then just have that call into the real pthread_exit once I have finished my code, thus we wouldn't have to worry about the real contents of pthread_t, and a similar approach could be done for Windows. Apr 30, 2012 at 22:18
  • Structs are a lot like classes: see the selected answer here-they can be inherited from. Plus, you can call new on a pthread_t object, so creating a subclass seems like the most efficient way to go... although Idk if overriding the pthread_exit function will be a pain in the patoot or not-is it declared virtual? will that matter? Apr 30, 2012 at 22:21
  • It's always worth it to try and extend, the only thing that would happen is you get a compiler error, and have to do it the other way, which sounds significantly harder. Apr 30, 2012 at 22:28

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