Imagine I have a class Family. It contains a List of Person. Each (class) Person contains a (class) Address. Each (class) Address contains a (class) PostalCode. Any "intermediate" class can be null.
So, is there a simple way to get to PostalCode without having to check for null in every step? i.e., is there a way to avoid the following daisy chaining code? I know there's not "native" Java solution, but was hoping if anyone knows of a library or something. (checked Commons & Guava and didn't see anything)
if(family != null) {
if(family.getPeople() != null) {
if(family.people.get(0) != null) {
if(people.get(0).getAddress() != null) {
if(people.get(0).getAddress().getPostalCode() != null) {
No, can't change the structure. It's from a service I don't have control over.
No, I can't use Groovy and it's handy "Elvis" operator.
No, I'd prefer not to wait for Java 8 :D
I can't believe I'm the first dev ever to get sick 'n tired of writing code like this, but I haven't been able to find a solution.
, don't do it! Your code may be an eyesore, but throwing an exception is an expensive operation that you always want to avoid if you can.