I did a git pull and found that one of my files needs to be merged.

I don't really want to merge that file right now - I have another branch that I need to work on, and I will get back to this branch later to resolve the merge.

What is the best course of action for me to "undo" this pull? Or how can I hold off on this merge until I'm ready to deal with it? What do I need to do to be able to change branches, but then return to this unmerged state in my code?

3 Answers 3


This is a good example of why I reckon doing a fetch instead of a pull is a good idea.

What you can do is simply reset your branch to it's previous state..

git reset --hard HEAD~1

or if you are already in the middle of the merge (resolving conflicts), just abort it..

git merge --abort

finish your changes and then...

git fetch
...have a look at what's changed 
git merge origin/branch 

An easy way to see what has changed is to do

git cherry branch origin/branch -v --abbrev=6

That will give you a list of commits that are in the origin branch but not in your branch...if you need the details of what changed in that commit then

git show commit --name-status

If you are looking to blow away changes on a current HEAD, git reset --hard is your ticket. This should allow you to swap branches and return to this one and redo this merge at a later date.

If you are rebasing, git rebase --abort will cancel the operation as well.


git stash was complaining about unmerged changes after I did a git stash pop that resulted in merge conflicts, but I had already resolved them manually.

Doing git add . and then git stash worked great.

  • This adds all files that were not intended to be added to commit.
    – Ulysses
    Oct 9, 2019 at 15:02

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