I'm writing a RESTFUL client library, and part of the return object type depends on the parameters of the request.

For instance, the client has a method called ExecuteCommand, that returns a response object which looks like this:

public class MyResponse
   public MyResult Result{ get; set; }
   public MyResponseHeader ResponseHeader { get; set; }

Here is the MyResult class:

public class MyResult
   public object[] DocumentList{ get; set; }
   public int NumRecords{ get; set; }
   public int Start{ get; set; }

What I'd like to do is pass a "Document Type" to the ExecuteCommand method, and have it return the MyResponse object with the MyResult object having the IDocument be the type passed in.

Something to this effect:
MyResponse response = MyClient.ExecuteCommand<MyDocument>(request);

In this instance, what I'd like to have returned is the MyResult with a DocumentList of type MyDocument.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


You could use generics on your classes:

public class MyResponse<T>
   public MyResult<T> Result{ get; set; }
   public MyResponseHeader ResponseHeader { get; set; }

public class MyResult<T>
   public T[] DocumentList{ get; set; }
   public int NumRecords{ get; set; }
   public int Start{ get; set; }

Then you can have your ExecuteCommand create your MyResponse using its own T (in this case MyDocument), and using var will make it even easier and more readable:

var response = MyClient.ExecuteCommand<MyDocument>(request);
  • This is actually how I coded it, I just wasn't sure about passing the type down the line. Thanks, Drew
    – dhysong
    May 3, 2012 at 15:43

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