You can also force an update right away without entering your mainloop, by using something like this:
root = Tk()
# set up widgets here, do your grid/pack/place
# root.geometry() will return '1x1+0+0' here
# now root.geometry() returns valid size/placement
root.minsize(root.winfo_width(), root.winfo_height())
Description of update() at effbot tkinterbook:
Processes all pending events, calls event callbacks, completes any
pending geometry management, redraws widgets as necessary, and calls
all pending idle tasks. This method should be used with care, since it
may lead to really nasty race conditions if called from the wrong
place (from within an event callback, for example, or from a function
that can in any way be called from an event callback, etc.). When in
doubt, use update_idletasks instead.
I've used this a good deal while messing about trying to figure out how to do things like get the size/position of widgets before jumping into the main loop.