Right now I am writing some Python code to deal with massive twitter files. These files are so big that they can't fit into memory. To work with them, I basically have two choices.

  1. I could split the files into smaller files that can fit into memory.

  2. I could process the big file line by line so I never need to fit the entire file into memory at once. I would prefer the latter for ease of implementation.

However, I am wondering if it is faster to read in an entire file to memory and then manipulate it from there. It seems like it could be slow to constantly be reading a file line by line from disk. But then again, I do not fully understand how these processes work in Python. Does anyone know if line by line file reading will cause my code to be slower than if I read the entire file into memory and just manipulate it from there?

  • Why not try reading line by line and see? If it works out for you, then it's great, and it's not like changing it from there will be hard. Commented May 5, 2012 at 9:25
  • 1
    it's always going to depend on how massive "massive" is.
    – Shep
    Commented May 5, 2012 at 9:31
  • A hopefully useful answer: stackoverflow.com/a/8717312/416626
    – urschrei
    Commented May 5, 2012 at 10:01

2 Answers 2


For really fast file reading, have a look at the mmap module. This will make the entire file appear as a big chunk of virtual memory, even if it's much larger than your available RAM. If your file is bigger than 3 or 4 gigabytes, then you'll want to be using a 64-bit OS (and 64-bit build of Python).

I've done this for files over 30 GB in size with good results.


If you want to process the file line by line, you could simply use the file object as an iterator:

for line in open('file', 'r'):
    print line

This is pretty memory efficient; if you want to work on a batch of lines at a time, you could also use the readlines() method of the file object with a sizehint parameter. This reads in sizehint bytes plus enough number of bytes to complete the last line.

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