I'm having trouble figuring out how to abstract some simple code into a loop/map/for structure. I have the following code which works, in the sense that it gives me the output I want:
[recipe [1 1 2]
voicing [0 2 4]
counts (range (count voicing))
scale C]
(map vector
(make-scale recipe voicing scale 0)
(make-scale recipe voicing scale 1)
(make-scale recipe voicing scale 2)
the output is:
([:C :E :G] [:D :F :B] [:E :A :C] [:G :B :D] [:A :C :F] [:B :E :G] [:D :F :A])
I'm basically using the "(map vector arg1 arg2...)" call to interleave 3 seqs.
obviously I need to make the final step of removing the duplicate calls to make-scale. problem is, I need:
(map vector arg1 arg2 arg2)
and all the ways I know how to use a loop give me the results of the loop in a seq:
(map vector (arg1 arg2 arg3))
what's the best way to refactor the intial code, so that I only have a single function call to make-scale?