I'm interested in adding a property to my files under a certain scope that contains their current locations in my file system, in order to track file movement. I would think that this could be done with New-ItemProperty, with a command similar to the following:

Get-ChildItem -recurse | foreach { New-ItemProperty -Path $.FullName -Name "OriginalLocation" -PropertyType string -Value $.FullName }

However, when I try this, I'm spammed with the following error:

New-ItemProperty : Cannot use interface. The IDynamicPropertyCmdletProvider interface is not implemented by this provider.

After some searching, it appears that New-ItemProperty is all but useless except for working with the registry. Fine. Windows has myriad other file properties I should be able to hijack in order to get this done. "Label" and "Tags" come to mind. So let's try setting those via Set-ItemProperty instead.

Set-ItemProperty : Property System.String Label=D:\test\file.txt does not exist.

It appears I need to create these properties after all. Is this a shortcoming of New-ItemProperty? Maybe setting properties such as this on arbitrary items is some WMI thing I don't know about?

2 Answers 2


Here is my solution using the redirections ('<' & '>') that allow to manipulate alternate data stream in CMD.EXE. It works in Powershell without any extentions

# AlternateDataStream.ps1

$scriptBlockSetStream = {cmd /C `"echo $($Args[0])`>$($Args[1]):$($Args[2])`"}
$scriptBlockGetStream = {cmd /C `"more `<$($Args[0]):$($Args[1])`"}

$streamName = "NativeFilePath"
$File = "C:\Temp\ADSTest\toto.txt"
$streamContent = Split-Path -Path $File -Parent

# Set the data stream
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlockSetStream  -ArgumentList $streamContent,$File,$streamName
# Get the Data Stream
$res = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlockGetStream  -ArgumentList $File,$streamName
  • Marking this as answer thanks to ease of portability. Thanks!
    – bwerks
    May 7, 2012 at 20:25
  • Why so complicated with Invoke-Command? Wouldn't & $scriptBlockSetStream $streamContent $File $streamName suffice?
    – Joey
    May 8, 2012 at 7:22
  • 2
    My conviction is that : in a script, readabilty is more important than concision. I will use & operator in command line Invoke-Command is complicate for you but it's more readable for me than & operator, and as we are in a script it just needs a few more caracters.
    – JPBlanc
    May 8, 2012 at 8:09

Another option might be to use alternate data streams to store your path. If you are running PowerShell 3.0, you can manipulate them quite easily. Based on the first article, you would have something resembling:

"echo test" | out-file c:\powershell\test.ps1                                                                                         

$fs = new NTFS.FileStreams('c:\powershell\test.ps1')                                                                                  

$stream = $fs.Item('OriginalPath').open()                                                                                                
$sw = [System.IO.streamwriter]$stream                                                                                                 
  • I'm not running powershell 3, sadly, and while the articles you link are quite interesting, I've marked the other answer here as the solution thanks to its portability (even if it's a slightly less elegant wrapping of cmd). Still upvoted you though. Thanks!
    – bwerks
    May 7, 2012 at 20:27

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