How can I add , as a word separator for git diff --word-diff?

For instance I would like the diff to recognize that

function(A,B,C) -> function(A, B, C)

only has added the spaces instead of replacing the whole line.

  • 1
    The answers address commas and spaces. For commas only, we use --word-diff-regex='[^,]+' Aug 1, 2020 at 1:31

3 Answers 3


Use --word-diff-regex:

       Use <regex> to decide what a word is, instead of considering runs
       of non-whitespace to be a word. Also implies --word-diff unless it
       was already enabled.

       Every non-overlapping match of the <regex> is considered a word.
       Anything between these matches is considered whitespace and
       ignored(!) for the purposes of finding differences. You may want to
       append |[^[:space:]] to your regular expression to make sure that
       it matches all non-whitespace characters. A match that contains a
       newline is silently truncated(!) at the newline.

       The regex can also be set via a diff driver or configuration
       option, see gitattributes(1) or git-config(1). Giving it explicitly
       overrides any diff driver or configuration setting. Diff drivers
       override configuration settings.

I never used it but i guess that git diff --word-diff-regex="[^[:space:],]+" may work.

  • 1
    Any idea how to set it in git config, to use this regex by default, when I specify --word-diff rather than me having to specify the regex each time.
    – sibaz
    Dec 13, 2016 at 14:45
  • 3
    Answered my own question: git config --global diff.wordRegex [^[:space:],]+
    – sibaz
    Dec 13, 2016 at 14:48
  • 15
    Only flaw in this is it won't show commas that were added/removed. To see those too, use --word-diff-regex="[^[:space:],]+|[,]+" Feb 17, 2017 at 15:40
  • @user6506750 It does show the comma for me.
    – Flimm
    Nov 22, 2023 at 16:46

In addition to KurzedMetal's answer: without the quotes it works even better since it doesn't break my bashs autocompletion when hitting TAB.

git diff --word-diff-regex=[^[:space:],]+


You can also try -w/--ignore-all-space, although that may ignore more whitespace than you like.

  • 2
    -b ignores a bit less whitespace Nov 27, 2014 at 15:00

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