Is there a way I can piggy back sessions to know if the user is online?

I.e: use logs on, I set a $_SESSION variable, user times out- cookie Garbage collector updates the database to update their status as offline.

EDIT: I want a solution that does not involve times or dates. I want something to ride on sessions or something similar. Guessing if someone is online is not good enough for what I need.

  • Tracking based upon "last_activity_time" or tracking based upon an expired session isn't going to really matter with regards to accurately telling you how many users are "online." The major difference is you can implement the first method in about 5 minutes. The latter method would require you to constantly be checking all sessions (for all users...ouch) and processing their values - yuck.
    – Sampson
    Commented Jun 27, 2009 at 17:56
  • unfortunately, I have to clearly know if the user is connected to the site.
    – Kladskull
    Commented Jun 28, 2009 at 0:19
  • @Mike, check out my appended solution.
    – Sampson
    Commented Jun 28, 2009 at 2:18
  • If my understanding is correct. A online user means, his session is persisting in the server. So if we keep the session in a database table rather than in a file, we can easily count right?
    – Kiren S
    Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 4:25

10 Answers 10


Don't bother with figuring out the differences between time zones—that's not necessary.

Whenever the user accesses a page, set/update a lastActiveTime field in their record of the Users table. Then, do a COUNT for all users having a lastActiveTime within the last 5 minutes. Anything more than this, and they can be considered "offline."

If you use your server-time, via the NOW() function in MySQL, you'll avoid the need to deal with time zones. This is the standard way of tracking how many users are presently online (meaning, active within the last x minutes).

Constantly Updated

If you would like to know they are still active (even when they're not jumping from page to page), you could include a bit of JavaScript to ping your server every 60 seconds. It'll work the same way as my original suggestion, but it will update your records without requiring users to be frantically browsing your site at least once every five minutes.

Original 2009 Code

var stillAlive = setInterval(function () {
    /* XHR back to server
       Example uses jQuery */
}, 60000);

Updated 2022 Code

We can use fetch and promises today to more precisely issue these calls. Fetch will replace our earlier XHR approach using jQuery. Fetch returns a Promise, which we'll use (via the await keyword) to defer timing of our next call. Once the call to stillAlive.php is complete, and a response has been retrieved, we'll setup the next ping for 60 seconds later.

(async function ping () {
    // Asynchronously call stillAlive.php
    await fetch( "stillAlive.php" );
    // Issue this call again in 60 seconds
    setTimeout( ping, 60_000 );
  • 6
    I've been wandering through an ocean of websites with such a similar problem, and you're the first person to give a satisfying answer. Thank you very much.
    – Zerium
    Commented May 11, 2012 at 5:12
  • Would you put an index on the timestamp in DB ?
    – Ced
    Commented Mar 4, 2016 at 20:44
  • Another simple answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/24402047/…
    – Syno
    Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 9:58
  • I am thinking of using this method on my own site but where the commented section /* XHR back to server Example uses jQuery */ has me a little confused, does this just execute a php script which updates the last time seen by the user in the database every 60 seconds? I find no information about what goes in this function anywhere.
    – Dion
    Commented Oct 26, 2020 at 6:50
  • I don't think setInterval() is suitable for any fetch actions, given that the fetch timing is highly unpredictable. It's more reasonable to do setTimeout() indefinitely, after fetching is complete.
    – Robo Robok
    Commented Oct 5, 2022 at 16:00

What you are asking for (after the clarification) is, by definition, impossible. HTTP is a connectionless protocol, so as soon as a user has hit a page and all the content comes back from the server to the user's browser, there is no connection between the two. Someone is "online" with your website for less than a second.

One thing you could do is to have JavaScript on your web page make AJAX requests back to your server on a regular basis which includes identifying information, and a different AJAX request when the user leaves the page, using window.onbeforeunload.

  • 1
    this browser event 'onbeforeunload' is so great, but it doesn't work when user's internet connection is lost and he closes browser tabs
    – Dan D.
    Commented Sep 25, 2018 at 6:02

My way may not be the best way but since my site and userbase is all in mysql DB, when a user logins into my site,

  1. I update the user table to say they are online
  2. Insert them into an Online table
  3. Then I set a session with the current time

Then on every page load I check for the online time session, if it exist, I check to see how old it is, if it is less then 5 minutes old, I do nothing, if it is older then 5 minutes, then I update the session time again with current time and also update the online users table with the time

Then I have a cron job that runs every 10 - 15 minutes that deletes any uses from online table and marks there user table as offline if there online time has updated within X amount of minutes


It sounds like your "is the person online" comparison logic isn't taking into account the timezones. If you are dealing with timezones in this manner, I strongly recommend that you store all your times in GMT, and convert them to local time for your users right before you display them. This will make any comparison operations very simple.

There's a nice SO thread about timezones here.

  • 1
    +1 for GMT. Second best is using Server Time. But if you ever need to move the server across timezones, that screws up all your historical data. Far better to store datetimes in GMT. Server Time also works on an internal database only accessed from a single location (like an office). But even offices can move. Commented Jun 27, 2009 at 1:46

One thing I would advise is to store this kind of information in memory with for example memcached or mysql heap or redis. Because otherwise the database will be hit a lot.


Store the time-zone in the table, and use it in a calculation to find that users local time in comparison to the local time of the user viewing the page.


Better yet, store all times as the server time, and base all calculations relative only to the server time.


Depends on your situation, it may be better for you to create a separate table "whose-online" with the columns: "ip" and "last-updated-time" and query/update this table every time a user loads a page.

On page load queries may include:

  1. Update/insert "whose-online" table for current user based on ip.
  2. Delete "expired" rows (can also be done periodically using cronjob).
  3. Count "active" users.

Benefits of using this technique:

  1. If a user is not logged in, he/she is still being counted/tracked.
  2. Depends on the amount of users you have, querying this table may be quicker.

Note: If you use this you should want to take into consideration that any pageview will create a row in your table so based on useragent you can disregard bots or only count the popular ones (Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, etc).


The solution that I have implemented for this is to, on every page load by an authenticated user, set/reset a memcache var such as "user_{userid}isonline" => true and expire it in 5 minutes. Then check if the var is in the cache when I access the user's info. Depending on the size of your user base, if you want to get a list of everyone online, you could use a memcache getmulti call with an array of "user{userid}_isonline" keys for all of your users.

of course, this really depends on how often a user will change pages on your site... to get a more accurate representation of the users online, you could implement an ajax xmlhttprequest call on your page running at a small interval (30 seconds or so) that resets the memcache var, and have the memcache var expire in less time (1 minute to account for possible browser issues). This is not COMPLETELY accurate, but as http does not have a persistent connection to the server, you are pretty limited on what you can do.

IF you require an up to the second representation of who is online, you could maybe have a flash app loaded in your page that connects to a jabber server, then just check if that particular user is logged in on the server.


Here's a way on how to get the difference between two dates from a database in minutes, then check for the difference and set the online/offline status.

$query = 'SELECT * FROM Users';
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query);

foreach($result as $user){
    // date from the database
    $dbLastActivity = date("d-m-Y h:i:s a", strtotime($user['lastOnline']));
    // date now
    $now = date("d-m-Y h:i:s a", $date);

    // calculate the difference
    $difference = strtotime($now) - strtotime($dbLastActivity);
    $difference_in_minutes = $difference / 60;

    // check if difference is greater than five minutes
    if($difference_in_minutes < 5){
        // set online status
        $updateStatus = 'UPDATE Users SET Status="online" WHERE lastOnline="'.$user['lastOnline'].'"';
    } else {
        // set offline status
        $updateStatus = 'UPDATE Users SET Status="offline" WHERE lastOnline="'.$user['lastOnline'].'"';

    // check if mysqli query was successful
    if (!$mysqli->query($updateStatus)){
        printf("Error Message %s\n", $mysqli->error);
  • And you're doing this with 20 lines PHP instead of 1 line of SQL because....reasons? Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 12:44
  • Curious to see this code in 1 line :) show it to me.. i said what i did.
    – Syno
    Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 13:51
  • SELECT * FROM Users WHERE last_active >= (NOW() - interval '5 minutes') Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 14:49
  • Or for the whole shebang... sql: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE last_active >= (NOW() - interval '5 minutes') set_active.php: pg_query_params($conn, "UPDATE Users SET last_active=NOW() WHERE user_id=$1", [$_GET['user_id']]);` heartbeat.js: setInterval(() => { fetch('last_active.php?user_id=' + userID }, 60000) Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 14:55

You can also use the onunload tag... On the body More information here (https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_onunload.asp)

This way you don't have to wait 4 -5 minutes for the user to get offline.

But you should still use the ajax update method in-case the user's browser crashes...

Edit: As @Quentin pointed out in the comments you may not be able to send out requests but there is a way you can do it... Explained in more detail in this Article.
So basically they are using the sendBeacon() Here is an Example

window.addEventListener("unload", function logData() {
  navigator.sendBeacon("/log", analyticsData);

NOTE: Although it should be kept in mind that this should not be the only method you should depend upon, and should implement for redundancy...

  • 1
    Sending a message to the server in onunload is, IIRC, impossible (because the request gets canceled as the page unloads). It also wouldn't work if the user stopped being online because they turned their computer off, went into a tunnel with no mobile signal, etc.
    – Quentin
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 13:33
  • @Quentin We can still use sendBeacon() as explained here
    – Raja Bilal
    Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 5:11
  • No if the user stopped being online because they turned their computer off, went into a tunnel with no mobile signal, etc
    – Quentin
    Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 9:44

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