
What ways are there to find npm packages?

Below is community maintained listing compiled from the answers below.

npm Specific



  • 1
    I've gotta be honest, between the three of those, I don't know how you couldn't find a node package. haha are you searching for something in particular and not finding it?
    – Kristian
    Commented May 13, 2012 at 0:44
  • @kristian this list is pretty good. But I am wondering if there is more(more is better...) :P.
    – Alfred
    Commented May 13, 2012 at 0:45
  • @Kristian for example search for specific version of node only, or date, because I don't like old/unmaintained packages etc..
    – Alfred
    Commented May 13, 2012 at 0:48
  • Perhaps keeping each item as a separate answer would be a good idea so people can vote them, leading to a crowd-sourced ranking.
    – balupton
    Commented Jun 21, 2014 at 5:10
  • For discussion on npm official issue tracker, see github.com/npm/npm/issues/11519
    – Ben Creasy
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 7:29

15 Answers 15


npm search works pretty well:

npm search connect

npm view will show you the timestamp of each version and everthing else from package.json (including node version)

npm view connect


There's nipster too, based on npm + github rating.

  • 7
    actually the spelling is "nipstr", today I learned from google that a "nipster" is a nazi-hipster
    – Nickolaus
    Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 10:32
  • Github repository URL has changed to Nipster and the author has deployed the code to nipstr.com but it looks like it's outdated. Commented Jun 27, 2021 at 20:17

Libraries.io is great for searching and filtering through NPM modules, you can also filter by license and keyword: https://libraries.io/search?platforms=NPM

  • It’s a great tool but have issue with not existing package versions and more GitHub Issue Commented Mar 19, 2020 at 7:47

For me the best site for this purpose is Openbase:


By VERY far. It's stats and features are, AFAIK, unmatched by any other site.


https://npms.io is really nice, provides quality and maintenance stats too


npmsearch sorts the results by a combination of relevance and downloads. The command line version can be installed from npm:

[sudo] npm install -g npmsearch

disclamer: I am the author of npmsearch

node-modules allows you to personalize your results according to the modules that you have starred/followed on github

  • Demo link is dead. I've updated your answer to indicate this to make for easier browsing.
    – balupton
    Commented Jun 21, 2014 at 5:20

For a fast method available in your console, type:

npm search keyword

< Keyword > searches Title, Description, Author and Keywords of all packages.

  • 1
    what's difference between npm search and npm view
    – NanoNova
    Commented Aug 26, 2019 at 3:07

Here's another one: https://npmaddict.com/

Not a search but daily list of New packages with at least 5 GitHub stars


https://nodejsmodules.org/ is one that lets you search, as well as browse by popularity

  • Nodetoolbox is dead now. Updated your answer with this.
    – balupton
    Commented Jun 21, 2014 at 5:21

https://github.com/Enome/node-package-finder (Latest commit 26ff789 on 4 May 2012, should count as dead)


I personally use npmsearch.com

I'm not sure how it works internally but it usually gives the best results.


Just in case anyone comes across this question, I also created a tool to help people discover what npm packages other people are using:



It's sad but npm search won't work for me on node version 6+.

A quick workaround is by doing a curl from the command line:

curl --fail -O https://www.npmjs.com/package/q-promise 2>&1 | grep '404'

If this command returns nothing then the module exist if it does return a 404 the name is available for you to use.


According to the NPMS (NPM Search) docs on how to perform a search query, you can use the following operators in the npmjs.com search bar:

Search Syntax Description
scope:types Show/filter results that belong to the @types scope
author:sindresorhus Show/filter results in which sindresorhus is the author
maintainer:sindresorhus Show/filter results in which sindresorhus is qualifier as a maintainer
keywords:gulpplugin Show/filter results that have gulpplugin in the keywords (separate multiple keywords with commas, you may also exclude keywords e.g. -framework)
not:deprecated Exclude deprecated packages from the results
not:unstable Exclude packages whose version is < 1.0.0
not:insecure Exclude packages that are insecure or have vulnerable dependencies (as per nsp)
is:deprecated Show/filter is deprecated packages
is:unstable Show/filter packages whose version is < 1.0.0
is:insecure Show/filter packages that are insecure or have vulnerable dependencies (as per nsp)
boost-exact:false Do not boost exact matches, defaults to true
score-effect:14 Set the effect that package scores have for the final search score, defaults to 15.3
quality-weight:1 Set the weight that quality has for the each package score, defaults to 1.95
popularity-weight:1 Set the weight that popularity has for the each package score, defaults to 3.3
maintenance-weight:1 Set the weight that the quality has for the each package score, defaults to 2.05

Further Reading


NPM can feel overwhelming because it is the largest package registry! Sometimes, we need less or a more curated suggestions when looking...

This is why I built https://pkg.land

It helps you find similar packages on npm, e.g https://pkg.land/moment will suggest you dayjs, date-fns etc.

It's still in beta but I do intend to maintain and improve it over time.

  • Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Dec 28, 2021 at 3:29

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