I'm working with a php application, and there is a line that moves a file. I enclosed the method within a try...catch block so, if a error is thrown, can manage a rollback system. But the exception is never catched, so, renames throws any kind of exception? Do I need to try with another method?


Code above:

   if(rename($archivo_salida, $ruta_archivos)){

}catch (Exception $e)
  //do something

4 Answers 4


"Normal" PHP functions don't throw exceptions.

Change your code to simulate an exception:

try {
   if (rename($archivo_salida, $ruta_archivos)) {
   } else {
      throw new Exception('Can not rename file'.$archivo_salida);
} catch (Exception $e) {
   //do something, such as
   echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";

rename() only ever returns true/false - there is no thrown exception.



It returns FALSE on failure. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.rename.php

If you really need an exception to be thrown when the rename fails, you can do this:

if (rename($archivo_salida, $ruta_archivos)) {
    // anything;
} else {
    throw new Exception("Rename failed.");

Now, you can wrap this around a try {} catch {} block where ever you are invoking this code.


You can also use the same approach as described in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43364340/563049

Create a custom exception class and use it's static constructor method with or operator after rename().

Exception class:

class CustomException extends Exception {
  static public function doThrow($message = "", $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
    throw new Exception($message, $code, $previous);


try {

  rename($archivo_salida, $ruta_archivos) or CustomException::doThrow('Renaming failed.');

} catch (Exception $e){
  //do something


If you are using PHP 7 and higher - you can rename static method doThrow() to simply throw(), since in PHP 7 and higher it's allowed to use reserved keywords as method names.

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