I'm using java to build a socket server.

I'm logging lots of actions which are happening during the server run, and beside each log line I'm writing the current free memory in the JVM using the:


as I can see in my log, I don't have lots of free memory (around 14-15 MB).

I run this socket server on a freeBSD server with root access.

I really want to tune up the memory allocated to my JVM but I don't really know how, and I'm pretty new to freeBSD and linux in general.

  • What exactly are you hoping to achieve by "tuning up the memory allocated to your JVM"?
    – NPE
    May 17, 2012 at 15:55
  • 5
    You can use -Xms and -Xmx switches to specify how much heap memory to allocate for your program.
    – neevek
    May 17, 2012 at 15:56
  • i'm trying to avoid out of memory.. in the future..
    – Asaf Nevo
    May 17, 2012 at 15:57
  • As Jarrod said you might be having some doubts regarding the garbage collection. [Here] is a good whitepaper by sun which you should read. [Here]: google.com/…
    – noMAD
    May 17, 2012 at 15:59
  • possible duplicate of Limit jvm process memory on ubuntu
    – user177800
    May 17, 2012 at 16:28

1 Answer 1


You assumption about how memory works ( especially Garbage Collection ) in Java is flawed.


That call only shows "free" memory on the JVM heap, which is allocated with the -Xms and -Xmx command line arguments to java. Or in some startup script if you are using an app server.

Why what you are trying to do is a waste of time

See this answer to this question why!

The Garbage Collector in Java ( which controls free memory ) isn't tuned to keep as much memory free as possible, it is tuned for a balance of performance and responsiveness. It only frees memory on demand, there is no benefit in having max free memory and lots of downsides to trying to do so.

This causes objects that aren't referenced anymore to hang around "using memory" until the memory they occupy is actually needed. This is actually optimal because prematurely removing them would cause performance degradation of the running code.

Removing them very quickly only when memory needs to be freed is the goal of the Garbage Collector not trying to keep as much memory free as possible.

You should never have to call System.gc() in a correctly implemented Java program.

Java HotSpot includes three different collectors. The serial collection uses a single thread for GC and is best suited for single processor machines with data sets smaller than 100 Mbytes. The parallel performs minor collections in parallel. It is ideally suited for medium to large datasets running on multi-threaded or multi-processor hardware. The concurrent collector has been optimized to garbage collection pauses short when response time is more important than throughput. This mode does not normally provide any benefit on a single-core machine.

To avoid OutOfMemoryExceptions

  1. Set -Xmx to as large a setting as you can afford on your server. Set -Xms to the minimum size of block of memory you think is nominal. Too small is worse than too big.

  2. Don't leak references.

  • so you're saying that the Garbage Collector will allocate for me more memory (if available) when needed ?
    – Asaf Nevo
    May 17, 2012 at 15:58
  • i'm actually not trying to allocated any memory at all. what i'm trying to understand is in general, how much memory is my system giving java, or in other words, what is the maximum amount of memory i can use with my java application, and where do i set it
    – Asaf Nevo
    May 17, 2012 at 16:12
  • isn't it some kind of settings in the JVM for how much memory from the system available memory to be used by java applications ?
    – Asaf Nevo
    May 17, 2012 at 16:19
  • Ok but where do i set it? In the java command line? And how do i know what is the maximum size in my server?
    – Asaf Nevo
    May 17, 2012 at 16:27

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