I found this Perl script while migrating my SQLite database to mysql
I was wondering (since I don't know Perl) how could one rewrite this in Python?
Bonus points for the shortest (code) answer :)
edit: sorry I meant shortest code, not strictly shortest answer
#! /usr/bin/perl
while ($line = <>){
if (($line !~ /BEGIN TRANSACTION/) && ($line !~ /COMMIT/) && ($line !~ /sqlite_sequence/) && ($line !~ /CREATE UNIQUE INDEX/)){
if ($line =~ /CREATE TABLE \"([a-z_]*)\"(.*)/){
$name = $1;
$sub = $2;
$sub =~ s/\"//g; #"
$line = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $name;\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $name$sub\n";
elsif ($line =~ /INSERT INTO \"([a-z_]*)\"(.*)/){
$line = "INSERT INTO $1$2\n";
$line =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; #"
$line =~ s/\"/\'/g; #"
$line =~ s/\'\'/\\\'/g; #'
$line =~ s/([^\\'])\'t\'(.)/$1THIS_IS_TRUE$2/g; #'
$line =~ s/THIS_IS_TRUE/1/g;
$line =~ s/([^\\'])\'f\'(.)/$1THIS_IS_FALSE$2/g; #'
$line =~ s/THIS_IS_FALSE/0/g;
print $line;
Some additional code was necessary to successfully migrate the sqlite database (handles one line Create table statements, foreign keys, fixes a bug in the original program that converted empty fields ''
to \'
I posted the code on the migrating my SQLite database to mysql Question
variable.perldoc perlop
: "Binary "=~" binds a scalar expression to a pattern match." Have a look at: perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html