I prefer using MySQL workbench. It's much more easier & user friendly than the command line way.
It provides a simple GUI.
MySQL workbench or SQL Yog.
These are the steps that I did.
1) Install MySQL Workbench.
2) In AWS console, there must be a security group for your RDS instance. Add an inbound rule to that group for allowing connections from your machine. It's simple. Add your IP-address.
3) Open MySQL workbench, Add a new connection.
4) Give the connection a name you prefer.
5) Choose connection method- Standard TCP/IP
6) Enter your RDS endpoint in the field of Hostname (mydbinstance.cyz1k1vacvdd.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com).
7) Port:3306
8) Username: master username (the one which which you created during the creation of your RDS instance) (root)
9)Password: master password (admin admin)
10) Click Test Connection to check your connection.
11) If connection is successful, click OK.
12) Open the connection.
13) you will see your database 'e_learning_system' there.
14) Now you can export your mysqldump file to this database. Go to-> Server. Click Data Import.
15) You can check whether the data has been migrated by simply opening a blank SQL file & typing in basic SQL commands like use database, select * from table;