I've seen some information about differences between things like iostream vs iostream.h. From what I gathered from those the difference between them is that the version without the .h extension will not populate the namespace while the version with the extension will.

Is this the same for cmath vs math.h? Why is cmath (and many other files like it) prefixed with a c instead of just being math? Are there more differences between them?


4 Answers 4


I've seen some information about differences between things like iostream vs iostream.h.

[iostream.h] is not a standard header.

it is not an example of the issue you're raising.

[cmath] defines symbols in the std namespace, and may also define symbols in the global namespace. [math.h] defines symbols in the global namespace, and may also define symbols in the std namespace. if you include the former and use an unqualified symbol, it may compile with one compiler but not with another. therefore it's a good idea to use [math.h]. and in general, for such header pairs, to use the [.h] version.

c++98 provided a formal guarantee of the cxxx header not polluting the global namespace. maybe that was why they were defined. however, that was a bit harder to implement than polluting ones, so in practice no standard library implementation that i know of followed the standard in this respect, and so it was finally changed to reflect reality in c++11.

  • 23
    therefore it's a good idea to use [math.h]. and in general, for such header pairs, to use the [.h] version. I would disagree. The only reason the .h versions exist is for compatibility. The C headers are listed under [depr.c.headers] for a reason.
    – Jesse Good
    May 22, 2012 at 0:32
  • 20
    @Jesse: the argument goes that if you include math.h, then you know you're dropping a heap of junk in your global namespace. If you include cmath then you may or may not be dropping a heap of junk in your global namespace. Conversely, you don't care whether or not you drop a heap of junk in namepace std, since you never define symbols in there yourself anyway. So the uncertainty about what math.h does is in some sense better than the uncertainty about what cmath does, regardless of what the committee thinks about it. May 22, 2012 at 1:00
  • 2
    Ultimately, the standard definitively says what you're allowed to write, and also takes a view what's wise to write. There's no rule to say that the committee is always wise, even if it usually is, and fundamentally those headers are a messy compromise between different kinds of badness. Personally I use cmath and hope not to write a bug that my implementation doesn't catch (which is a conformance failure in C++03 and a QoI issue in C++11), but other people have different priorities. May 22, 2012 at 2:08
  • 11
    5 years later I'm sitting here wondering if I should be using cmath or math.hheader for my C++ (11) program. Which one is it? From the popularity of this answers and some of the comments, I take it I should be using math.h?
    – birgersp
    Oct 18, 2017 at 8:21
  • 4
    Pretty bad advise, <math.h> is deprecated in the C++ standard as of C++11, meaning compilers only support it for backwards compatibility. This means that you have no guarantees of what each implementation puts in the x.h headers since they aren't standard. In fact, it has been observed in some cases that the x.h versions sometimes have different contents to the cx versions on some implementations, where the overloads behaved differently which is potentially surprising. So always use the <cx> headers if you are writing C++.
    – themeeman
    Oct 20, 2020 at 12:00

Maybe this would be helpful :

The C++ library includes the same definitions as the C language library organized in the same structure of header files, with the following differences:

1 - Each header file has the same name as the C language version but with a "c" prefix and no extension. For example, the C++ equivalent for the C language header file < stdlib.h > is < cstdlib>.

2 - Every element of the library is defined within the std namespace.

c-prefixed vs .h extension headers


<cmath> and any <cxxx> header are standard C++, meaning you have strong guarantees of what is supported in those headers and how the functions in them work, as outlined in the C++ Standard. They define a series of functions in the std namespace, and that's it.

<math.h> and any <xxx.h> headers are not standard C++, despite being supported on every major implementation. However, since they are deprecated, there is no guarantee of what is inside those headers when you include them on your implementation. In fact, it has been observed on certain implementations that they provide functions that behave differently to the <cxxx> versions.

Therefore, you should always use <cxxx> when writing C++, and qualify the names of the functions with std::, for example std::malloc.

  • 2
    or using namespace std;
    – woodz
    Feb 1, 2021 at 18:07

The headers whose names start with c are derived from the headers of the C standard library. The corresponding headers with the c prefix removed and a .h suffix added are identical (or very nearly identical) to the C standard library headers.

<cmath> defines the relevant symbols under the std namespace; <math.h> defines them globally.

(I just learned it's not quite that simple; see Alf's answer.)

  • 3
    -1 no, the headers that start with c are C++ specific variants of C standard library headers. they do not come from the C library. also, there is no guarantee that cmath doesn't define the symbols in the global namespace, and there's no guarantee that math.h doesn't define the symbols in the std namespace. May 22, 2012 at 0:21
  • 1
    @Cheersandhth.-Alf: Sloppy wording on my part; I didn't mean "from the C standard library" to imply that they're directly from the C standard library. I didn't know that <cmath> could define global symbols and <math.h> could define symbols in the std namespace. Now that I know, I'm confused; why does the C++ standard leave that implementation-defined? May 22, 2012 at 1:50
  • @KeithThompson: because it reflects reality. Lots of standard library implementations have done it for such a long time. Instead of forcing implementations to be more strict about this issue (experience shows this hasn't worked out quite as well as it could have), the standard committee relaxed programmers' expectations. May 22, 2012 at 1:58
  • @AndréCaron: I see this is explained in the questions linked from the comment on this question. I find this disappointing. May 22, 2012 at 2:03
  • 1
    @krvajal: That's a 69-minute video of a panel discussion the C++ standard library. Do you have a summary that will fit in a comment? Sep 28, 2016 at 17:09

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