This script needs to run on Mac OSX. The following script is to build a QT QRC (resource file definition) which is nothing more than an XML file with a different extension. I've tested each piece of the script isolated in terminal on the mac. All is as it should work, but I can't get the for loop to execute properly.

This script should:

  1. List all files in the current directory
  2. Strip out the ./ produced by the find
  3. Create the proper XML

Here's what the result should look like:

    <qresource prefix="/">

Here's my current script:

    #Define the File
    #Clear out the old file, we want a fresh one
        rm $file
    #Format the start of the QRC file
        echo "<RCC>" >> $file
        echo "  <qresource prefix=\"/\">" >> $file
        #Iterate through the directory structure recursively
            for f in $(find . -type f)
                    #Ensure the file isn't one we want to ignore
                        if [[ $f != "*.qrc" && $f != "*.rc" && $f != "*.h" && $f != "*.sh" ]]
                            #Strip out the ./ for the proper QRC reference
                                echo "<file>$f</file>" | sed "s/.\///" >> $file
    #Close the QRC file up
        echo "  </qresource>" >> $file
        echo "</RCC>" >> $file

And this is what terminal keeps telling me:

'build-qrc.sh: line 11: syntax error near unexpected token `do
'build-qrc.sh: line 11: `           do

Any time I try to do a shell for loop it give me the same error. I've tried semi-colns and the like to no avail. Any ideas? Thanks.

Here's the finalized script thanks to chepner. It generates a perfect QRC resource file for QT for use with embedding html items into a webkit driven app.

#Define the Resource File
#Clear out the old file if it exists, we want a fresh one
if [ -f $file ] 
    rm $file
# Use the -regex primary of find match files with the following
# extensions: qrc rc sh h. Use -not to negate that, so only files
# that don't match are returned. The -E flag is required for
# the regex to work properly. The list of files is stored in
# an array
target_files=( $(find -E . -type f -regex ".*\.(png|jpg|gif|css|html)$") )

# Use a compound statement to redirect the output from all the `echo`
# statements at once to the target file. No need to remove the old file,
# no need to append repeatedly.
    #Format the start of the QRC file
    echo "<RCC>"

    # Use single quotes to avoid the need to escape the " characters
    echo '  <qresource prefix="/">'

    # Iterate over the list of matched files
    for f in "${target_files[@]}"
        # Use parameter expansion to strip "./" from the beginning
        # of each file
        echo "  <file>${f#./}</file>"
    #Close the QRC file up
    echo "  </qresource>"
    echo "</RCC>"
} > $file
  • I just tested your script and it's working fine for me... How do you call the script on the terminal?
    – leemes
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 22:17
  • Either ./qrc.sh or sh qrc.sh or bash qrc.sh. I'm on Lion. I'm kind of confused.
    – Dovy
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 22:20
  • Did you also try for ...; do (without new line after semicolon)? That's the syntax I'm used to, but as I said before: your script works perfectly on my machine...
    – leemes
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 22:24
  • I did try that. I think my terminal is messed up. Works on other lion machines. I think I am just going to format my lappy. Bah.
    – Dovy
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 22:28
  • 1
    Try set -x at the beginning of your script (or change your shebang to #!/bin/bash -x) to see a trace of your script when you run it. That may give you more information and lead to a diagnosis. Commented May 24, 2012 at 3:12

2 Answers 2


I don't see any syntax errors, but $f != "*.qrc" shouldn't work the way you intend it. That tests the value of f against the literal string *.qrc. Here's your script, shortened using various tricks:

#Define the File
# Use the -regex primary of find match files with the following
# extensions: qrc rc sh h. Use -not to negate that, so only files
# that don't match are returned. The -E flag is required for
# the regex to work properly. The list of files is stored in
# an array
target_files=( $(find -E . -type f -not -regex ".*\.(q?rc|s?h)$") )

# Use a compound statement to redirect the output from all the `echo`
# statements at once to the target file. No need to remove the old file,
# no need to append repeatedly.
    #Format the start of the QRC file
    echo "<RCC>"

    # Use single quotes to avoid the need to escape the " characters
    echo '  <qresource prefix="/">'

    # Iterate over the list of matched files
    for f in "${target_files[@]}"
        # Use parameter expansion to strip "./" from the beginning
        # of each file
        echo "    <file>${f#./}</file>"
    #Close the QRC file up
    echo "  </qresource>"
    echo "</RCC>"
} > $file
  • Thanks! I appeciate your help.
    – Dovy
    Commented May 24, 2012 at 16:31

Any time I try to do a shell for loop it give me the same error. I've tried semi-colns and the like to no avail. Any ideas?

I just had the same problem. For me, it seems to have been caused by CRLF (Windows) line endings. Once I switched to LF (Unix), everything went fine.

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