I work on a NetBSD system through an ssh connection from my Mac and I want to use the screen utility so that I can start processes and come back to them after my terminal connection has been interrupted. When I type screen I get the error message:

Cannot find termcap entry for 'xterm-256color'

After looking through forum posts, I thought it had something to do with termcap on the remote machine, but that appears not to be the case; I can initiate screen with no errors from an ssh session from another computer, one to which I don't generally have access. This suggests that I need to configure something on my local machine, but I haven't been able to figure out what or how. Although this post is tagged "gnu-screen" I suspect that I'm working with Berkeley screen, though I don't know whether that is a significant distinction.

3 Answers 3


Quick fix: run TERM=xterm screen instead of screen.

You get the error because on your mac you have TERM=xterm-256color, and xterm-256color is not in the remote machine's termcap. You don't get the error when you connect from the other computer because it has its TERM variable set to something else.

  • That makes sense, and raises two questions: (1) are any side-effects expected from running TERM=xterm screen?; (2) how can I install xterm-256color in my account on the remote machine such that it will be found?
    – Gregory
    May 30, 2012 at 21:28
  • (1) You might not be able to use your terminal window's full capabilities (if you find yourself unable to use colour, try running TERM=xterm-color screen instead). (2) I have no idea. I suggest asking on SuperUser.com or ServerFault.com.
    – dave4420
    May 30, 2012 at 22:36
  • The only side effect of using xterm (or xterm-color) instead of xterm-256color is that any console app that can handle 256-color text will fall back to 16-color instead text instead. Usually not worth worrying about, but if it matters, you will have to get the right termcap onto the remote machine, as dave4420 says.
    – abarnert
    May 30, 2012 at 23:46

You can add it personally to $HOME/.termcap - run this on your NetBSD account:

infocmp -C xterm-color | sed -e 's/xterm-color/xterm-256color/' > $HOME/.termcap

But you can also as root (or ask root) to add the termcap entry to /usr/share/misc/termcap. That would fix it for all users.


In OS X, under the tab Profiles, then Advanced, then Terminfo, switch from xterm-256color to xterm.

Terminal Settings

  • If using iTerm the equivalent setting is under iTerm2>Preferences>Profiles>Terminal
    – Ed Randall
    May 23, 2017 at 9:43

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