Using calc can be accomplised pretty easily using the unquote feature:
$variable: 100%
height: $variable //for browsers that don't support the calc function
height:unquote("-moz-calc(")$variable unquote("+ 44px)")
height:unquote("-o-calc(")$variable unquote("+ 44px)")
height:unquote("-webkit-calc(")$variable unquote("+ 44px)")
height:unquote("calc(")$variable unquote("+ 44px)")
will render as:
height: 100%;
height: -moz-calc( 100% + 44px);
height: -o-calc( 100% + 44px);
height: -webkit-calc( 100% + 44px);
height: calc( 100% + 44px);
You can also try creating the mixin as suggested above, but I do mine slightly different:
$var1: 1
$var2: $var1 * 100%
@mixin calc($property, $variable, $operation, $value, $fallback)
#{$property}: $fallback //for browsers that don't support calc function
#{$property}: -mox-calc(#{$variable} #{$operation} #{$value})
#{$property}: -o-calc(#{$variable} #{$operation} #{$value})
#{$property}: -webkit-calc(#{$variable} #{$operation} #{$value})
#{$property}: calc(#{$variable} #{$operation} #{$value})
@include calc(height, $var1 / $var2, "+", 44px, $var1 / $var2 - 2%)
will render as:
.item {
height: 98%;
height: -mox-calc(100% + 44px);
height: -o-calc(100% + 44px);
height: -webkit-calc(100% + 44px);
height: calc(100% + 44px);