Consider this code in F#:
let n = 10000000
let arr = Array.init n (fun _ -> 0)
let rec buildList n acc i = if i = n then acc else buildList n (0::acc) (i + 1)
let lst = buildList n [] 0
let doNothing _ = ()
let incr x = x + 1
arr |> Array.iter doNothing // this takes 14ms
arr |> Seq.iter doNothing // this takes 74ms
lst |> List.iter doNothing // this takes 19ms
lst |> Seq.iter doNothing // this takes 88ms
arr |> incr // this takes 33ms
arr |> incr |> Seq.toArray // this takes 231ms!
lst |> incr // this takes 753ms
lst |> incr |> Seq.toList // this takes 2111ms!!!!
Why is the iter
and map
functions on the Seq
module so much slower than the Array
and List
module equivalents?