I've some OpenCV KeyPoints, and they are stored as vector<KeyPoint> or list<KeyPoint>. How to sort them according to the response of the KeyPoints to obtain the best n keypoints?


3 Answers 3


Looking at the documentation, and guessing you are trying to do something like this,

Here is how KeyPoint is implemented in OpenCV.

So from what I understand, what you want to use is the response element:

float response; // the response by which the most strong keypoints have been selected. Can be used for the further sorting or subsampling

So this is definitely what I would be going to in your case. Create a function that sorts your vector by response :)

Hope this helps


Trying to take advantage of Adrian's advice (This is my first cpp code though, so expect to have some corrections to perform)

// list::sort
#include <list>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

// response comparison, for list sorting
bool compare_response(KeyPoints first, KeyPoints second)
  if (first.response < second.response) return true;
  else return false;

int main ()
  list<KeyPoints> mylist;
  list<KeyPoints>::iterator it;

  // opencv code that fills up my list


  return 0;
  • If I store them as list<KeyPoint>, I am wondering if there is anyway to sort it like a simple list.sort()?
    – beaver
    Commented Jun 6, 2012 at 8:54
  • 3
    Yes u can, look at the list documentation: cplusplus.com/reference/stl/list/sort . You can just use a custom function for the "comp" that gets 2 KeyPoint parameters and compares them by the response. Than you just give that method to the list sort.
    – Adrian
    Commented Jun 6, 2012 at 9:08
  • The thing that gets me is that I don't know whether a 'response' with a number closer to positive infinity is better than a 'response' closer to negative infinity or the other way around. I'm going to assume that a more positive response is better.
    – Peter pete
    Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 0:37
  • you can simplify compare_response and just do return first.response < second.response
    – Philip Z.
    Commented Dec 7, 2022 at 14:52

I've stored the keypoints as std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> and sorted them with:

 std::sort(keypoints.begin(), keypoints.end(), [](cv::KeyPoint a, cv::KeyPoint b) { return a.response > b.response; });

Note: Usage of C++ 11 required for lambda-expression.


if you store keypoints in a vector:

#include <algorithm> // std::sort
#include <vector> // std::vector

int main() {
    std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;

    // extract keypoints right here

    std::sort(keypoints.begin(), keypoints.end(), response_comparator);

    // do what ever you want with keypoints which sorted by response

bool response_comparator(const KeyPoint& p1, const KeyPoint& p2) {
    return p1.response > p2.response;

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